Agenda, decisions and minutes

Cabinet - Wednesday, 5th February, 2014 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 1, Civic Offices, Merrial Street, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire, ST5 2AG. View directions

Contact: Julia Cleary  01782 742227

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of interest from Members  on items included in the agenda.


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 55 KB

To consider the minutes of the previous meeting held on 15th January 2014.


The leader welcomed Cllr Mrs Shenton to her first meeting of the Cabinet.


Resolved:     That the minutes of the meeting held on 15th January 2014 be agreed as a correct record.


Revenue and Capital Budgets and Council Tax 2014/15 pdf icon PDF 42 KB


a) That it be recommended to Full Council that £278,000 be transferred out of the Contingency Reserve into the Renewals and Repairs Fund (£100,000) and the Insurance Fund (£178,000).


(b)  That it be recommended to Full Council that £65,000 of transitional costs in relation to the Housing Advice Contract be met from the New Homes Bonus Reserve.


(c)  That it be recommended to Full Council that £86,000 be transferred out of the Renew Reserve into the Contingency Reserve.


(d) That the 2014/15 General Fund Revenue Budget and the Capital Programme 2014/15 as detailed in the report to Cabinet dated 15 January 2014 be recommended to Full Council for approval with the addition of the proposal outlined in paragraph 4.8 in respect of Keele Golf Course.


(e)  That the fee for 2014/15 in relation to a Scrap Metal Dealer Collectors Licence be £150.


A report was submitted to enable Cabinet to recommend the 2014/15 General Fund Revenue Budget and the 2014/15 Capital Programme to the Full Council, meeting on 26 February 2014, following consideration of comments received from the Transformation and Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee of 22 January 2014 and the Scrutiny Café on 14 January 2014 and following a review of the Council’s balances and reserves.


It was confirmed that the report had been to the Transformation and Resources Overview and Scrutiny committee for comment three times and that feedback from the Committee had been passed to Cabinet.

Resolved:     a) That it be recommended to Full Council that £278,000 be transferred out of the Contingency Reserve into the Renewals and Repairs Fund (£100,000) and the Insurance Fund (£178,000).


(b)  That it be recommended to Full Council that £65,000 of transitional costs in relation to the Housing Advice Contract be met from the New Homes Bonus Reserve.


(c)  That it be recommended to Full Council that £86,000 be transferred out of the Renew Reserve into the Contingency Reserve.


(d) That the 2014/15 General Fund Revenue Budget and the Capital Programme 2014/15 as detailed in the report to Cabinet dated 15 January 2014 be recommended to Full Council for approval with the addition of the proposal outlined in paragraph 4.8 in respect of Keele Golf Course.


(e)  That the fee for 2014/15 in relation to a Scrap Metal Dealer Collectors Licence be £150.


Budget Performance Monitoring Report Quarter 3 2013-14 pdf icon PDF 36 KB

Additional documents:


That the contents of the report be noted and that the Council continues to monitor and scrutinise performance alongside finances




A report was submitted to provide Cabinet with the Financial and Performance Review, 2013/14 First Three Quarters (April -December).


Members were very pleased with the figures at 1.4.1 which related to levels of street and environment cleanliness and the fact that the average number of sick days per employee had also decreased.


There was a favourable variance of £9000 and no new adverse variances had been identified.


Resolved: That the contents of the report be noted and that the Council continues to monitor and scrutinise performance alongside finances




Newcastle Capital Investment Programme pdf icon PDF 331 KB


(a) That the contents of the report and appendix be noted.


(b)  That strategies are developed to find solutions to meet the financial challenges in respect of the medium term capital expenditure requirements.


(c)  That a cabinet panel be developed to oversee the process required.


A report was submitted that reviewed the projected capital expenditure requirements over the four year period 2015/16 to 2018/19 and the resources likely to be available to finance this expenditure. A number of different strategies would need to be developed to deal with these financial challenges.


Resolved:     (a) That the contents of the report and appendix be noted.


(b)  That strategies are developed to find solutions to meet the financial challenges in respect of the medium term capital expenditure requirements.


(c)  That a cabinet panel be developed to oversee the process required.


Newcastle Greenway pdf icon PDF 35 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the information be received


(b)       That the complete scheme be approved, including the gate, barrier and access provision as detailed in the report.


(c)        That members concerns regarding action by the County Council should complaints be received be noted.



A report was submitted providing further information to the Cabinet in relation to gates and other barrier/access provision necessary to complete the scheme to improve the cycle route along the Newcastle Greenway (former Silverdale mineral line).


The report also sought the approval of the Cabinet for the gates and other barrier/access provision where they are located on Borough Council owned land.


Members agreed that this was a great piece of work and that no capital expenditure would be required form the Borough Council.  Some concern was however raised in relation to any reviews that could be carried out by the County Council should anti-social behaviour problems re-emerge.  Assurances were being sought regarding this and it was hoped that the County would commit to taking certain steps if complaints were received.


Resolved:       (a)       That the information be received


(b)       That the complete scheme be approved, including the gate, barrier and access provision as detailed in the report.


(c)        That members concerns regarding action by the County Council should complaints be received be noted.



Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Protection Policy pdf icon PDF 54 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Protection Policy be approved for introduction and delivery in the Borough.


(b)       That the Active and Cohesive Overview and Scrutiny Committee oversee the implementation of the policy.


(c)        That the Member Development Panel consider member training in relation to the Policy.     


A report was submitted to advise Cabinet of the role of the Borough Council in safeguarding children and vulnerable adults.


The report sought Cabinet approval for the adoption of the Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Protection Policy in Newcastle-under-Lyme.


It was emphasised that this was a living document and was an example of real partnership working for which members thanked Officers in the Business Improvement and Partnerships team.


Members agreed that it was a vital document that needed full member backing and compliance with and therefore agreed that it be referred to the Active and Cohesive Overview and Scrutiny Committee for it to oversee the implementation of the policy and that the issue of  member training on the policy be considered by the member Development Panel.


Resolved:     (a)       That the Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Protection Policy be approved for introduction and delivery in the Borough.


(b)       That the Active and Cohesive Overview and Scrutiny Committee oversee the implementation of the policy.


(c)        That the Member Development Panel consider member training in relation to the Policy.     


Concurrent Functions pdf icon PDF 45 KB


a)         That Cabinet notes the contents of the report


b)         That Cabinet supports a review of existing arrangements for concurrent funding of parish/town councils and requests that the Transformation & Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee undertake such a review in order to report back to Cabinet in time for implementation of a revised scheme for 2015/16.


A proposal was presented to Cabinet for a review of the existing funding arrangements dedicated to parish/town council concurrent functions.


Concurrent functions were services which could be carried out by the Borough Council but were also within the statutory remit of a parish or town council. The services were discretionary and there was at present no comprehensive and definitive list of such services.


Resolved:     a)         That Cabinet notes the contents of the report


b)         That Cabinet supports a review of existing arrangements for concurrent funding of parish/town councils and requests that the Transformation & Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee undertake such a review in order to report back to Cabinet in time for implementation of a revised scheme for 2015/16.


HS2 Phase 2 pdf icon PDF 32 KB

Additional documents:


a)         That the actions taken be noted.


b)         That the HS2 Working Party be asked to meet with representatives of the City Council to receive details of the City Council’s proposals and to give full consideration to the possible implications of this alternative proposal for the Borough and to then report back to Council.


A report was submitted to advise Cabinet of a letter sent by the Leader of the Council to the Leader of Stoke-on-Trent City Council concerning the City Council’s response the Government’s High Speed 2 Route Alignment (Phase 2).


Resolved:     a)         That the actions taken be noted.


b)         That the HS2 Working Party be asked to meet with representatives of the City Council to receive details of the City Council’s proposals and to give full consideration to the possible implications of this alternative proposal for the Borough and to then report back to Council.