Decision details

Revenue and Capital Budgets and Council Tax 2014/15

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


a) That it be recommended to Full Council that £278,000 be transferred out of the Contingency Reserve into the Renewals and Repairs Fund (£100,000) and the Insurance Fund (£178,000).


(b)  That it be recommended to Full Council that £65,000 of transitional costs in relation to the Housing Advice Contract be met from the New Homes Bonus Reserve.


(c)  That it be recommended to Full Council that £86,000 be transferred out of the Renew Reserve into the Contingency Reserve.


(d) That the 2014/15 General Fund Revenue Budget and the Capital Programme 2014/15 as detailed in the report to Cabinet dated 15 January 2014 be recommended to Full Council for approval with the addition of the proposal outlined in paragraph 4.8 in respect of Keele Golf Course.


(e)  That the fee for 2014/15 in relation to a Scrap Metal Dealer Collectors Licence be £150.

Publication date: 06/02/2014

Date of decision: 05/02/2014

Decided at meeting: 05/02/2014 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: