Agenda item

New Applications Received

To make observations on new applications received.


Resolved:-   That the following observations be made on the applications listed below:-


App No

Proposed development and name of applicant






12a Lancaster Buildings, High Street, Newcastle.

Mr M Parkes.

New shop fascia signage.

No objections provided the lettering is standalone and not placed upon a fascia board.





Students Unions, Keele University.

University of Keele.

Students Unions façade improvements.

No objections and that the development would be an improvement upon the existing situation.





Land opposite 1 Church Villas, The Butts, Church Lane, Betley.

P Robinson.

Erection of detached building.

No objections and that the development would be an improvement upon the scheme granted consent under reference 10/00435/FUL, particularly in terms of views from the south.





Whitegates, Main Road, Betley.

Mr A Lees.

Retention of detached garage.

No objections.





Daisy House, New Road, Wrinehill.

Mr David Speakman.

Replacement of boundary fence with wall.

No objections and that the development would be an improvement upon the existing situation in terms of its impact upon the setting of the Listed Summer House.





The Old Hall Farm, Main Road, Betley.

Mr J Burgess.

Extension to existing Dutch barn.

Strongly object on the grounds that the introduction of a modern agricultural building at this location would be harmful to:

(i)    the setting of the adjacent Listed Buildings which are an important collection of heritage assets and a Model Farm of particular significance and rarity value.

(ii)   The relationship between these buildings.

(iii)  The local landscape.

(iv)  The character and appearance of the Betley Conservation Area which this group of buildings make a significant contribution to.





New Trees, Main Road, Betley.

Dr H Dobson.

Retention of a workshop and garage.

No objections.


Supporting documents: