Agenda item

New Applications Received

To make observations on new applications received.


Resolved:-    That the following observations be made on the application listed below:-


Maer Hall, Maer  16/00846/FUL & 16/00847/LBC


The Working Party approve of the approach to simplify the structure but

have some concerns over the technical details where the structure will join to the existing porch.  They also question the use of Cotswold stone and whether this is the stone on the main house.


Walnut Cottage, Main Road, Betley 16/00782/FUL & 16/00783/LBC


The Working Party has no objections to the proposal if materials match the existing building, ie painted brickwork/render and clay tiles – not concrete.  The wall details are probably the most important in terms of potential impact on the building and the Conservation Area and details should be approved, particularly the railings which should be of appropriate quality and style.


The Old Swan, Swan Bank, Madeley Heath  16/00730/FUL


The massing of the proposal is acceptable and if the detail around the arch window/doorway can be simplified and changed to reflect the general character of the building the Working Party has no objections.


64-68 High Street, Newcastle   16/00862/ADV


The new sign should be fixed to the existing fascia with no new fixings into the stonework and should be symmetrical.


95-97 High Street, Newcastle  16/00854/FUL


The window design is out of character with the building in terms of size and style and proportions.  They are unnecessarily fussy and towards the rear should be rearranged in a more sympathetic manner.


Fomer Maxims, Lower Street, Newcastle  16/00876/LBC & 16/00877/FUL 


No objections.


Land off York Street, Newcastle  16/00494/REM


Despite being an application for reserved matters on design, there are no details provided on materials and the plans are unclear.  These details need to be provided before the Working Party can make useful and relevant comments and request that this is provided for its next meeting on 29th November 2016. 



Supporting documents: