Agenda item

New Applications Received

To make observations on new applications received.


Resolved:-    That the following observations be made on the application listed below:-


Old Wood, Betley Hall Gardens, Betley  16/00791/FUL


No objections to the use of the loft space but the Working Party thinks that it is not appropriate to use render on the dormers and a matching brick should be used.  The alterations to the front elevation will be an improvement however the alteration to the rear of the garage is not as well considered given its relationship with the more contemporary approach to the existing extension to the main house.  It also considered that the doors and Juliet balcony could be redesigned.


Sir John Offley Almshouses, Station Road, Madeley 16/00812/LBC


No objections.


Ironmarket pub, Ironmarket, Newcastle   16/00905/FUL


The Working Party objects strongly to the alteration to the shop front which has considerable character.   The proposal destroys this character and introduces a design which will be harmful to the building and therefore to the character of the Conservation Area.


Gate Lodge, Brampton Road, Newcastle    16/00919/FUL & 16/00920/LBC


The Working Party does not object to the proposal but has concerns over the dampness of the structure.  It recommends that a slight pitch on the roof might be better in practical and aesthetic terms.  No drainage details are shown especially at the junction between the two buildings and more detail should be submitted via a condition.


Former Savoy cinema, 72 High Street, Newcastle   16/00933/FUL


Whilst the Working Party does not oppose the demolition of the existing building some wanted to raise the issue of the demolition and question if full consideration has been given to the retention of the existing building and if full assessment has been made on its heritage value.  The group are not convinced with the visual impact viewpoints and suggests that some are at best a little misleading. 


The Working Party thinks that any increase in residential use will have a positive effect on the town centre and that they feel that the entrance feature on The Midway creates a more interesting environment than is there at present.  The group argues that the views within the Conservation Area would change significantly from almost every perspective.  They object to the bulk and height of the building and its effect on the town centre skyline within historic market town, which they feel will be harmful to the character and appearance of the town centre Conservation Area and to the setting of The Guildhall, a Grade II Listed Building.  A point was also made on the change to the micro climate that this building will create in terms of wind, light etc especially along The Midway.



Lake View, 21 Betley Hall Gardens  16/00939/FUL


The Working Party has no objections to the proposal but suggests that the windows should match the existing house (ie should be white and not cream).  There are no details of rainwater goods or of the roof/lantern and these elements should be conditioned to ensure the quality of the extension. 


Bougheys Mill, Nantwich Road, Audley 16/00952/FUL


The Working Party has no objections to the proposal providing the details are of an appropriate standard.  The timber doors should be timber and vertically boarded including the single door and garage doors side hung.  They would also prefer cast aluminium rainwater goods rather than upvc.



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