Venue: Queen Elizabeth II & Astley Rooms - Castle House, Barracks Road, Newcastle, Staffs. ST5 1BL. View directions
Contact: Geoff Durham 01782 742222
No. | Item |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive declarations of interest from Members on items contained within this agenda. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest stated. |
MINUTES OF A PREVIOUS MEETING To consider the Minutes of the previous meeting Minutes: Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting held on 20 November, 2024 be agreed as a correct record. |
MAYOR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS Minutes: The Mayor announced that his Charity Ball will be held on Saturday 29 March at Keele Hall and asked Members for their support. |
DEVOLUTION & LOCAL GOVERNMENT REORGANISATION: WHITE PAPER Additional documents: Minutes: The Leader introduced a report seeking endorsement and support to act to preserve the borough, following release of the English Devolution White Paper on 16 December, 2024.
The paper added forced unitarization to the devolution and stated that councils should be around 500,000 residents strong implying that Stoke City Council could merge with Newcastle and would take away the decision making and delivery of its services.
Devolution had been on the agenda for a while. The previous government was bringing forward devolution deals – bringing more power and money to be spent locally to deliver services. The Staffordshire Leaders Board put in a devolution submission in September when the present government indicated that they wished to have submissions. There had been no mention of forced unitarization but there was mention of elected mayors. Members’ attention was drawn to paragraphs 1.4 and 1.5 of the report which set out what had been included in the Staffordshire Leaders Board submission.
The Leader stated that thousands of residents in the borough appreciated its history. There was a proud record of delivery of services here which could suffer under unitarization. This Council needed to stand up for its residents and for the history of the Borough.
The Leader had reached out to Adam Jogee MP for his support in saving the borough and he had mentioned it in Parliament since.
This Council needed to ensure that any changes served the best interests of residents and preserve the unique character, autonomy and history of the borough.
The Government would be setting out the full details by the end of January and were hoping for a submission during March. Newcastle was not in the initial phase, it would be possibly 2027/28 before there was any significant change.
The Mayor referred to an amendment that had been tabled this evening by the Labour Group, however, an adjournment of the meeting was required for officers and the Mayor to review the document before proceeding further.
Meeting adjourned at 7.20pm
Meeting resumed at 7.51pm
The Mayor stated that, following advice from officers, the amendment was declined due to it having significantly changed from the motion contained within the agenda.
Councillor Parker arrived at 7.55pm
Councillor Sweeney, in seconding the motion stated that he had been looking through various papers and had come across various aspects that reorganisation must achieve, such as enhancing local services and democracy; have the support of local residents and have the agreement of the whole local government sector which he felt would not do so in this case. Councillor Sweeney questioned how cutting councillors would increase democratic accountability. Reorganisation would not drive savings if there were redundancy, consultancy and set-up costs.
Councillor Dave Jones stated that reorganisation was a once in a generation opportunity to reset council services and design better provision for residents. The formation of the new unitary councils came with the proposal of more devolved powers over various services. It would provide an opportunity to have a seat at the table of ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
STATEMENT OF THE LEADER OF THE COUNCIL To receive a statement by the Leader of the Council on the activities and decisions of Cabinet and items included on the Forward Plan. Minutes: The Leader, Councillor Simon Tagg presented the statement that had been circulated about the activities and decisions made by Cabinet to allow questions and comments.
Questions were raised and responses were provided as follows.
On paragraph 2 – Walleys Quarry Odour Issue
Councillor Adcock referred to the ongoing issues and especially over the last few months, following the issuing of the closure notice. Recently there had been over three thousand complaints in one week. What was now required was for the Secretary of State to fast track the appeal hearing.
Councillor Dave Jones echoed Councillor Adcock’s comments. He stated that he had been disappointed with comments made in recent election literature and asked the Leader if he agreed that the comments were factually inaccurate and harmed the long standing agreement that Walleys Quarry remained an issue that united all Members in seeking a resolution.
The Leader stated that during any election, literature was put out by all groups making the case to vote for their candidate, which contained criticisms.
Councillor Whieldon asked what monitoring was taking place regarding the Environment Agency and the closure notice.
The Leader agreed that the issue needed to be resolved and that suffering had been amplified since Christmas. He stated that the Chief Executive sat on a group which sought assurances on the progress of the work to let both council members and the public know what was happening.
Councillor John Williams referred to the travellers whose site adjoined Walleys Quarry and asked if there had been any representations from them.
The Leader agreed that this was a good point and stated that the SCG there was extra concentration and analysis on those residents. It was also reflected with council officers and its partners who monitored the travellers’ wellbeing.
On paragraph 3 – Borough Local Plan Submission
Councillor Bryan asked the Portfolio Holder for Strategic Planning if he could outline the next steps now that it had been submitted and how rural areas were protected.
Councillor Crisp asked if the rumours of the government’s plans to force through a new local plan were correct and asked the Portfolio Holder for Strategic Planning for an update.
The Portfolio Holder confirmed that the local plan had been submitted before Christmas and thanked the Planning team for their hard work on this. By submitting it, the Council did not have to put in the revised housing target from the new government although the rules had been changed slightly, therefore the submitted local plan did have the old rules. However, there was now a new National Planning Policy Framework and the rules had now been changed in such a way that the housing requirement would increase and if this Council falls short of the new 80% requirement, the local plan procedure would have to be gone through again.
On paragraph 4 – Draft Revenue and Capital Budget and Strategies 2025/26
Councillor Parker asked the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Town Centres and Growth what the implications were for the Government’s ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
REPORTS OF THE CHAIRS OF THE SCRUTINY COMMITTEES Minutes: Reports for the Finance, Assets and Performance Scrutiny Committee, the Health Wellbeing and Environment Scrutiny Committee and the Economy and Place Scrutiny Committee were attached to the agenda.
Resolved: That the reports be received.
REPORTS OF THE CHAIRS OF THE REGULATORY COMMITTEES A verbal update will be given for the Planning Committee Minutes: Councillor Paul Northcott advised Council that the Planning Committee had met on 3 December 2024 and there had been five applications for major development and two applications for minor development. There was a report on a non-determination appeal at a site in Loggerheads and an application for a Historic Buildings Grant. Finally there was the regular update report on Boggs Cottages.
The Audit and Standards Committee and the Licensing and Public Protection Committee had not met since the last meeting of Full Council.
Resolved: That the report be received.
QUESTIONS TO THE MAYOR, CABINET MEMBERS AND COMMITTEE CHAIRS Minutes: Question from Councillor Richard Gorton to the Leader of the Council
“2025 marks eighty years since the end of the Second World War with Victory in Europe (V E Day) on 8th May 1945 and Victory over Japan (V J Day) on 15th August 1945. Will the Leader of the Council confirm how the Borough Council intends to commemorate these important anniversaries?”
The Leader stated that national guidance was still awaited but confirmed that there would be a beacon lighting ceremony in the Queens Gardens and a commemorative Civic church service on the relevant Sunday. Applications would also be taken from residents wishing to close roads for street parties/events.
The Museum would also be doing a series of events, not only looking at the national ramifications of VE Day but also the impact on Newcastle and its residents.
Where the Council had control over war memorials, they would be the central focus of any celebrations going forward and it would be ensured that they were in a good condition.
Question from Councillor Mark Holland to the Leader of the Council
“We have seen an extreme spell of cold weather affecting residents of the Borough since the New Year. Many of our pensioners are still reeling from the governments cut to the Winter Fuel Allowance, some making a decision about whether to eat or heat.
The Council unanimously passed a Motion at its September meeting asking the Leader & Chief Executive to write to Rachel Reeves, Chancellor of the Exchequer, urging a review of the decision to means-test the Winter Fuel Allowance and asking her to ensure that vulnerable pensioners, particularly those who do not claim Pension Credit, were protected from fuel poverty. Secondly, to write to Adam Jogee MP and the other MPs representing the Borough, calling on them to support the campaign to reverse the Government’s decision. Has the Council received a response from the Chancellor or local MPs? Mr Jogee told the local newspaper that he would be organising a series of ‘roving surgeries’ across Newcastle to help pensioners claim Pensions Credit to therefore qualify for the Winter Fuel Allowance. How many ‘roving surgeries’ did Mr Jogee hold before the deadline to apply for Pensions Credit to enable pensioners to receive this year’s Winter Fuel Allowance?” The Leader referred to the motion, passed by Full Council last September, part of which was to campaign against the cut to the Winter Fuel Allowance. That was done and all community groups had been written to and two sessions were held for pensioners to come in and get advice on applying for Pension Credit.
Letters were sent to the local MP’s and the Chancellor, Rachel Reeves and no responses had been received, however a letter had been received prior to this meeting from MP’s who wanted to arrange a meeting.
Regarding the roving surgeries, the Leader had checked and could only see one event, pre-Christmas which was related to Pension Credit.
Councillor Holland asked a supplementary question:
“It being the ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
RECEIPT OF PETITIONS To receive from Members any petitions which they wish to present to the Council. Minutes: No petitions were handed in. |
URGENT BUSINESS To consider any communications which pursuant to Section B4, Rule 9 of the constitution are, in the opinion of the Mayor, of an urgent nature and to pass thereon such resolutions as may be deemed necessary. Minutes: There was no urgent business. |
DISCLOSURE OF EXEMPT INFORMATION To resolve that the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following report(s) as it is likely that there will be disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs contained within Part 1 of Schedule 12A (as amended) of the Local Government Act 1972. Minutes: There were no confidential items. |