To receive a statement by the Leader of the Council on the activities and decisions of Cabinet and items included on the Forward Plan.
The Leader, Councillor Simon Tagg presented the statement that had been circulated about the activities and decisions made by Cabinet to allow questions and comments.
Questions were raised and responses were provided as follows.
On paragraph 2 – Walleys Quarry Odour Issue
Councillor Adcock referred to the ongoing issues and especially over the last few months, following the issuing of the closure notice. Recently there had been over three thousand complaints in one week. What was now required was for the Secretary of State to fast track the appeal hearing.
Councillor Dave Jones echoed Councillor Adcock’s comments. He stated that he had been disappointed with comments made in recent election literature and asked the Leader if he agreed that the comments were factually inaccurate and harmed the long standing agreement that Walleys Quarry remained an issue that united all Members in seeking a resolution.
The Leader stated that during any election, literature was put out by all groups making the case to vote for their candidate, which contained criticisms.
Councillor Whieldon asked what monitoring was taking place regarding the Environment Agency and the closure notice.
The Leader agreed that the issue needed to be resolved and that suffering had been amplified since Christmas. He stated that the Chief Executive sat on a group which sought assurances on the progress of the work to let both council members and the public know what was happening.
Councillor John Williams referred to the travellers whose site adjoined Walleys Quarry and asked if there had been any representations from them.
The Leader agreed that this was a good point and stated that the SCG there was extra concentration and analysis on those residents. It was also reflected with council officers and its partners who monitored the travellers’ wellbeing.
On paragraph 3 – Borough Local Plan Submission
Councillor Bryan asked the Portfolio Holder for Strategic Planning if he could outline the next steps now that it had been submitted and how rural areas were protected.
Councillor Crisp asked if the rumours of the government’s plans to force through a new local plan were correct and asked the Portfolio Holder for Strategic Planning for an update.
The Portfolio Holder confirmed that the local plan had been submitted before Christmas and thanked the Planning team for their hard work on this. By submitting it, the Council did not have to put in the revised housing target from the new government although the rules had been changed slightly, therefore the submitted local plan did have the old rules. However, there was now a new National Planning Policy Framework and the rules had now been changed in such a way that the housing requirement would increase and if this Council falls short of the new 80% requirement, the local plan procedure would have to be gone through again.
On paragraph 4 – Draft Revenue and Capital Budget and Strategies 2025/26
Councillor Parker asked the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Town Centres and Growth what the implications were for the Government’s cut to the minimum funding guarantee and how this Council would be affected.
The Portfolio Holder stated that grant funding, paid to the Council by Central Government as part of the Local Government Finance Settlement would be cut from £6.123m to £5.852m in 2025/26 – a cut of £271,000.
On paragraph 5 – Car Parking Strategy 2019-29 Update
Councillor Whieldon welcomed the charge of £1 after 1pm that was still running on surface level carparks around the town centre. It was introduced in 2018 to help the footfall in the town centre. The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Town centres and Growth was asked to outline the benefits of this concession and how it was working.
The Portfolio Holder stated that the £1 after 1pm had been very successful and had improved the footfall in the town centre. This Council had never used its car parks as a cash cow
Councillor John Williams asked if parking would still be free for disabled badge holders on the new car park and also, with the car parks being sold off, would there still be the same amount of disabled parking in the town.
The Portfolio Holder confirmed that there would be disabled access onto the new car park bit it would not be free as there would be nobody on there to monitor it. However, the surface level car parks around the town centre would remain the same.
On paragraph 6 – Navigation House Refurbishment Contractor Award
Councillor John Williams asked that, after twelve months of this facility being opened, it go back to scrutiny to assess any anti-social behaviour that had taken place outside of the building.
The Portfolio Holder for Community Safety and Wellbeing stated that she had no problems with it going to scrutiny after twelve months. The Council officers and Rough Sleeper Team were liaising closely with residents in the area and the only people using the facility would be those wanting support.
The Leader stated that this Council had always had a proud record in tackling homelessness, with facilities around the town centre and this would be an addition to those, helping people to get off the streets.
On paragraph 7 – Update on Decarbonisation of the Council’s Operational Buildings and Fleet
Councillor Northcott congratulated everyone involved in this and particularly the teams who dealt with collections over the recent period of bad weather and the clear instructions put onto the website regarding the collections that had been missed. The Leader asked the Leader and the Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Environment that this excellent service continue in the future.
The Portfolio Holder confirmed that this would be the case and stated that he was very proud of the recycling and waste team.
Councillor Paul Waring asked the Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Environment what the plans of the Council were to replace the trees at Clough Hall Park that were lost during bad weather.
The Portfolio Holder stated that 60 healthy trees had been uprooted, along with over a hundred in the woodland area; all lost trees would be replaced in due course.
Councillor Berrisford asked the Portfolio Holder for sustainable Environment how the 35% reduction in carbon emissions during the past year had been achieved.
The Portfolio Holder stated that carbon emissions had fallen by 68.37% since measurements began fifteen years ago and effort had accelerated over the last 12 months with a switch to bio-degradable and fossil free fuel for its heavy goods vehicles which had cut carbon emissions by the 35% year on year. In addition, solar panels had been installed at four of the Council’s office buildings.
On paragraph 8 – Forward Plan
Councillor Whieldon stated that, here at Newcastle there was a perfect template for fiscal responsibility and responsibility to residents.
The Leader agreed with Councillor Whieldon.
Resolved: That the statement of the Leader of the Council be received and
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