Agenda, decisions and minutes

Cabinet - Wednesday, 18th July, 2012 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Offices, Merrial Street, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffs ST5 2AG

Contact: Julia Cleary  01782 742227

No. Item




Apologies were received from Cllr Mrs Bates.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 37 KB

To consider the minutes of the previous meeting held on 20 June 2012


That the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 20th June 2012 be approved as a correct record.


That the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 20th June 2012 be approved as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest


The Leader stated that he was a member of Silverdale Parish Council which related to item number 5 on the agenda.


New Performance Management Framework pdf icon PDF 47 KB

Additional documents:


(a)        That Cabinet notes the review findings as set out in the attached report.


(b)        That Cabinet offer any suggestions or changes to the proposals set out in this report where necessary


(c)        That Cabinet authorise officers to use the framework to develop performance management across the authority in time for the reporting of the new framework at the next meeting of Cabinet in September


(d)        That further reports are provided to Cabinet on performance, using the new framework as the basis for this information



A report was submitted summarising the findings of the latest stage of the performance management framework review which was designed to focus on outcomes. Members thanked Phil Morgan from the Audit Commission for his work on the project.


Resolved:      (a)        That Cabinet notes the review findings as set out in the attached report.


(b)        That Cabinet offer any suggestions or changes to the proposals set out in this report where necessary


(c)        That Cabinet authorise officers to use the framework to develop performance management across the authority in time for the reporting of the new framework at the next meeting of Cabinet in September


(d)        That further reports are provided to Cabinet on performance, using the new framework as the basis for this information



Developing the Town Centre Partnership with support for the Portas Pilot application and a Town Centre Manager pdf icon PDF 48 KB


a)         That Members agree to support the emergent Town Centre Partnership with the allocation of £30,000 in the current financial year for the recruitment of a Town Centres Manager and £5,000 to support the establishment of a website, both from the re-allocation of existing budgets.


(b)        That Members agree to the short term secondment of the current Business Development Officer on a 0.5 FTE basis to support the business community with town centres development activities / initiatives.


(c)        That officers be authorised to proceed with the formal establishment of the town centre partnership based around a Community Interest Company model (or similar entity), including the appointment of Directors, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, Planning and Town Centres.


(d)        That Members agree to the continued provision of in-kind support to the town centre partnership to assist with the following activities:


(i)         Recruitment of a town centres manager;

(ii)        Formalisation of the town centre partnership;

(iii)       Preparation of an action plan for at least the next 12 months and;

(iv)       Exploration of options for establishing a sustainable funding model for the TCP.


(e)        That Members note the plans included in the revised submitted Portas pilot application.




Cabinet received a report to update it on progress with the setting up of a town centre partnership for Newcastle-under-Lyme town centre. To outline proposals for continuing support from the Council, specifically a proposal for the Partnership to have a Town Centres Manager.  The report also provided an update to members on progress made with developing plans for supporting the development of the town centre which formed the basis of the revised submitted Portas Pilot bid.


The Leader brought Members attention to paragraph 4.6 of the report which highlighted that where appropriate and possible, some of the initiatives would be replicated in Kidsgrove Town Centre and that it could be appropriate to work alongside the Town Council and LAP in order to secure complimentary support.


Resolved:      a)         That Members agree to support the emergent Town Centre Partnership with the allocation of £30,000 in the current financial year for the recruitment of a Town Centres Manager and £5,000 to support the establishment of a website, both from the re-allocation of existing budgets.


(b)        That Members agree to the short term secondment of the current Business Development Officer on a 0.5 FTE basis to support the business community with town centres development activities / initiatives.


(c)        That officers be authorised to proceed with the formal establishment of the town centre partnership based around a Community Interest Company model (or similar entity), including the appointment of Directors, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, Planning and Town Centres.


(d)        That Members agree to the continued provision of in-kind support to the town centre partnership to assist with the following activities:


(i)         Recruitment of a town centres manager;

(ii)        Formalisation of the town centre partnership;

(iii)       Preparation of an action plan for at least the next 12 months and;

(iv)       Exploration of options for establishing a sustainable funding model for the TCP.


(e)        That Members note the plans included in the revised submitted Portas pilot application.




Silverdale Community Facility pdf icon PDF 44 KB


(a)        That Cabinet approves the transfer of land at the former Silverdale Colliery from the Homes and Communities Agency to the Borough Council (in accordance with the requirements of the S106 agreement dated 7 April 2010).


(b)        That Cabinet approves the principle of minor revisions being made to the design of the Community Facility as agreed by the Silverdale Community Facility Steering Group and that the necessary planning permission is sought.


(c)        That Cabinet accept Thomas Vale Construction (the lowest tenderer) as the main contractor to carry out the Community Facility building works.


(d)        That Cabinet gives approval to enter into a s185 agreement with Severn Trent Water Ltd in order to progress the sewer realignment.


(e)        That Cabinet authorises officers to complete the ongoing discussions with partner agencies to meet the requirements of the s185 agreement and supply of services to the community facility.


(f)         That Cabinet approves the proposed management arrangements for the facility.



A report was submitted to inform Members how the Council had been working with a range of partners for several years to develop a community scheme as part of the development on the former Silverdale Colliery site.  This report outlined progress with the plans and sought approval to enter into a range of agreements in order to facilitate the development.


Cllr Cairns as ward member for Silverdale and Parksite thanked Officers for their hard work on the project.


Resolved:     (a)        That Cabinet approves the transfer of land at the former Silverdale Colliery from the Homes and Communities Agency to the Borough Council (in accordance with the requirements of the S106 agreement dated 7 April 2010).


(b)        That Cabinet approves the principle of minor revisions being made to the design of the Community Facility as agreed by the Silverdale Community Facility Steering Group and that the necessary planning permission is sought.


(c)        That Cabinet accept Thomas Vale Construction (the lowest tenderer) as the main contractor to carry out the Community Facility building works.


(d)        That Cabinet gives approval to enter into a s185 agreement with Severn Trent Water Ltd in order to progress the sewer realignment.


(e)        That Cabinet authorises officers to complete the ongoing discussions with partner agencies to meet the requirements of the s185 agreement and supply of services to the community facility.


(f)         That Cabinet approves the proposed management arrangements for the facility.



Surplus Land - Proposed Newcastle Development Programme Disposals pdf icon PDF 34 KB


That the Council not proceed with any plans to dispose of the seven sites referred to in the report and that the Council advise the local planning authority to remove these sites from the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA).



A report was submitted by the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Regeneration and Town Centres outlining why the Council should not proceed with any plans to dispose of the seven sites referred to in the report and that the Council advise the local planning authority to remove these sites from the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA).


The Portfolio Holder for Safer Communities confirmed that the recommendations had been endorsed by overview and scrutiny and he thanked members of that Committee for their hard work.


The Leader confirmed that the Land at Coalpit Hill, Talke included the entrance at Thomas Street. The Leader also thanked officers and residents for the time and effort given to the project and sated that he was pleased to see proper public engagement.


Resolved:     That the Council not proceed with any plans to dispose of the seven sites referred to in the report and that the Council advise the local planning authority to remove these sites from the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA).





Site Allocations and Policies Development Plan Document (DPD) Draft Consultation Issues and Options Report pdf icon PDF 87 KB

Additional documents:


a)      That Cabinet agree to rename the Site Allocations and Policies Development Plan Document as the Site Allocations and Policies Local Plan


b)      That Cabinet agree to approve the Site Allocations and Policies Local Plan Draft Issues and Options Paper set out in Appendix A, as amended to exclude the 7 Newcastle Development Programme (NDP) sites referred to in the previous item, and to give  authority to officers to make minor drafting and editorial corrections to the Paper, in consultation with the Planning, Regeneration and Town Centres Portfolio holder


c)      That Cabinet agree to the draft consultation arrangements set out in Appendix B, subject to any revised arrangements being made by officers in consultation with the Planning, Regeneration and Town Centres Portfolio holder


d)      That Cabinet agree to receive a future report setting out the recommendations of the Planning Committee on the results of the first stage of public consultation with a view to approving the next steps



A supplementary report was submitted stating that:


Should Cabinet resolve not to proceed with any plans to dispose of the seven NDP sites then reference to the sites would be removed from the SHLAA on the basis that as the sites are no longer available they cannot be regarded as “developable”.’


Members confirmed that consultation would continue on the remaining sites and all processes would be kept open and transparent and all members of the public would have the opportunity to become involved in the consultation process. The Portfolio Holder for safer Communities reinforced that all consultation would be open and transparent and that feedback from the Communities and residents was essential for the process to be successful.


The Leader confirmed that he would attend all of the pubic consultation meetings along with the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Regeneration and Town Centres. The Leader also thanked Cllr Loades for his work with the Scrutiny Group.


A representation had also now been received from Madeley Conservation Group who stated that they, and they understood, Madeley Parish Council, wished to express the utmost concern at the totally undemocratic proposal to eliminate seven sites in the urban area before all the remainder were considered. This would evidently put more pressure on the remaining sites, which should all be considered on their merits.


As no communication had been received directly from Madeley Parish Council officers had spoken to the Clerk who had confirmed that his Council had not formally adopted a position in this matter.


As Cabinet had resolved (with respect to the preceding item No. 6) that the Council not proceed with any plans to dispose of the 7 sites referred to in the report on that item, and advised the Local Planning Authority to remove these sites from the SHLAA, the following revised recommendations were resolved:


a)      That Cabinet agree to rename the Site Allocations and Policies Development Plan Document as the Site Allocations and Policies Local Plan


b)      That Cabinet agree to approve the Site Allocations and Policies Local Plan Draft Issues and Options Paper set out in Appendix A, as amended to exclude the 7 Newcastle Development Programme (NDP) sites referred to in the previous item, and to give  authority to officers to make minor drafting and editorial corrections to the Paper, in consultation with the Planning, Regeneration and Town Centres Portfolio holder


c)      That Cabinet agree to the draft consultation arrangements set out in Appendix B, subject to any revised arrangements being made by officers in consultation with the Planning, Regeneration and Town Centres Portfolio holder


d)      That Cabinet agree to receive a future report setting out the recommendations of the Planning Committee on the results of the first stage of public consultation with a view to approving the next steps



Reviewing the Potential Benefits of HS2 pdf icon PDF 37 KB


(a)        That the Council modify its stance to offer  support for the principle of HS2 as long as the potential economic benefits for North Staffordshire can be demonstrated to outweigh the environmental consequences, in particular whether such benefits would be derived from a local station being provided to serve this area.


(b)        That the Economic Development and Enterprise Scrutiny and Overview Committee be asked to continue to scrutinise the plans for HS2 with the Task and Finish Sub Group reconvening when the Government Consultation commences, with a particular focus upon whether the provision of an intermediate station in the North Staffordshire area would strengthen the case on economic grounds sufficiently to outweigh potentially adverse environmental consequences.




A report was submitted highlighting the Government’s progress with their plans for a High Speed Rail link (known as HS2) and to consider whether the Council should lobby for a local station should the line proceed.


The Government had agreed to go ahead with HS2.  Whilst the Council could consider it appropriate to continue with a holding objection to the scheme, the Council could decide to take the position that if it was to go ahead then there should be a local station in order to improve the economic fortunes of the sub-region.


Resolved:      (a)        That the Council modify its stance to offer  support for the principle of HS2 as long as the potential economic benefits for North Staffordshire can be demonstrated to outweigh the environmental consequences, in particular whether such benefits would be derived from a local station being provided to serve this area.


(b)        That the Economic Development and Enterprise Scrutiny and Overview Committee be asked to continue to scrutinise the plans for HS2 with the Task and Finish Sub Group reconvening when the Government Consultation commences, with a particular focus upon whether the provision of an intermediate station in the North Staffordshire area would strengthen the case on economic grounds sufficiently to outweigh potentially adverse environmental consequences.




Apprenticeship Opportunities pdf icon PDF 41 KB


(a)        That Cabinet note the existing apprenticeship and training opportunities within the Borough.


(b)        That officers are authorised to investigate in further detail opportunities to provide additional apprenticeship places within the Borough Council.


(c)        That officers are authorised to investigate the feasibility of working with a specialist local training provider to increase apprenticeship opportunities.


(d)        That a report is brought to a future meeting of the Cabinet detailing the outcome of the above actions.



A report was submitted reviewing options to provide apprenticeship opportunities for young people in the Borough.


Resolved:      (a)        That Cabinet note the existing apprenticeship and training opportunities within the Borough.


(b)        That officers are authorised to investigate in further detail opportunities to provide additional apprenticeship places within the Borough Council.


(c)        That officers are authorised to investigate the feasibility of working with a specialist local training provider to increase apprenticeship opportunities.


(d)        That a report is brought to a future meeting of the Cabinet detailing the outcome of the above actions.



Support for home security checks, advice and security measures for vulnerable residents pdf icon PDF 40 KB


(a)        That the Council proceed with the principle of the additional home security measures summarised in the report?


(b)        That officers report back with options to reduce the handyperson charging policy to make the home security material provision and / or labour charge free or 50% subsidised.




Members received a report outlining the current services that were available to vulnerable residents from a range of partner agencies to advise and assist on home security issues.  It was recognised that more could be done to promote the schemes, specifically the handy person service so that vulnerable people were aware of the support available.  The report outlined why some vulnerable people did not take up the current services and proposed ways in which this could be improved with further financial investment. Ultimately the report sought a decision, in principle, to implement additional measures to support the most vulnerable households.



Resolved:      (a)        That the Council proceed with the principle of the additional home security measures summarised in the report?


(b)        That officers report back with options to reduce the handyperson charging policy to make the home security material provision and / or labour charge free or 50% subsidised.




Local Environment Quality and Cleanliness of the Borough pdf icon PDF 60 KB


(a)        That the information be received.


(b)        That the improved level of performance in respect of Local Environmental Quality and cleanliness be noted.


(c)        That the current approach to achieving Local Environmental Quality and cleanliness be endorsed, and ongoing initiatives be supported.


(d)        That performance in relation to Local Environmental Quality and cleanliness is regularly reported to Cabinet as part of the emerging corporate performance management framework.




A report was submitted that responded to the new administrations stated priority for a clean and tidy Borough, setting out the current activity and approach to achieving Local Environmental Quality and cleanliness, and it’s effectiveness.


Cabinet welcomed the good work that Street Scene had carried out over the previous year, doing an excellent job and saving £56,000 over the last 4 years.


Resolved:      a)         That the information be received.


(b)        That the improved level of performance in respect of Local Environmental Quality and cleanliness be noted.


(c)        That the current approach to achieving Local Environmental Quality and cleanliness be endorsed, and ongoing initiatives be supported.


(d)        That performance in relation to Local Environmental Quality and cleanliness is regularly reported to Cabinet as part of the emerging corporate performance management framework.




Staffordshire Local Nature Partnership pdf icon PDF 34 KB


a)         That the report be received.


(b)       That Cabinet endorses the purpose and aims of the proposed Staffordshire Local Nature Partnership.


(c)       That authorisation is granted for appropriate Borough Council officer representation on the proposed Staffordshire Local Nature Partnership to aid its establishment and to support and contribute to the delivery of its objectives.



A report was submitted to inform Cabinet of the formation of the Staffordshire Local Nature Partnership, its purpose and aims and to seek authority for the Borough Council to be represented in the partnership.


The Partnership would ensure that the Borough Council’s interests were represented in the Staffordshire Local Nature Partnership, in relation to the natural environment.  To enhance the Councils ability to influence development of habitats, demonstrate an ambassadorial role in protecting and enhancing bio-diversity, strengthen external funding bids and secure support and advice from other organisations in the partnership



Resolved:      a)         That the report be received.


(b)       That Cabinet endorses the purpose and aims of the proposed Staffordshire Local Nature Partnership.


(c)       That authorisation is granted for appropriate Borough Council officer representation on the proposed Staffordshire Local Nature Partnership to aid its establishment and to support and contribute to the delivery of its objectives.



Cemeteries Memorial Safety Programme 2011-2015 pdf icon PDF 29 KB


That the Council’s policy in relation to Memorial Testing is amended to align with the revised British Standard.



Cabinet received a report informing it of the revised British Standard in relation to Memorial Testing and to seek authority to amend the Council’s policy to bring it in line with the British Standard.


Resolved:      That the Council’s policy in relation to Memorial Testing is amended to align with the revised British Standard.



ICT Software Consolidation - Licensing pdf icon PDF 33 KB


That Cabinet notes the award by the Executive Director (Resources and Support Services) of a three year contract to Civica UK Ltd for the supply of ICT software for the Council’s Licensing Service.



A report was submitted to inform Cabinet of the award of a contract for ICT licensing software following a competition within a Government Procurement Services framework.  


The contract would save the Council £30,000 over the next three years, the Leader that the Head of ICT and Member Services for her work in achieving this.


Resolved:      That Cabinet notes the award by the Executive Director (Resources and Support Services) of a three year contract to Civica UK Ltd for the supply of ICT software for the Council’s Licensing Service.



Urgent Business

To consider any business which is urgent within the meaning of Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972.


There was no urgent business.