Register of interests

Deputy Mayor - Councillor Robert Bettley-Smith

I, Deputy Mayor - Councillor Robert Bettley-Smith a Member of Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council, agree to abide by the Members' Code of Conduct, as approved, and give notice that I have the following financial interests

Member Code of Conduct - Registration of Interests Form

Table 1 - Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.

Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

1. Employment, office, trade, profession or vocation
Describe Interest Here
Retired Chartered Surveyor - Camley Estate Management
2. Sponsorship
Description of Interest
3. Contract(s)
Details of the Interest
4. Land and property
Details of Interest
5. Licences
Address of Land Description of Interest
None -
6. Corporate Tenancies
Address of Land Description of Interest
None -
7. Securities
Name of Body or Company Description of Interest
Ryan Housing Ltd -
Camley Estates Ltd. -

Table 2 - Other Registrable Interests

8. Other Registrable Interests
Unpaid Directorships Description of Interest
The Old Courthouse RTM Company Ltd -
Riverside Meadow Residents Management Company Ltd -
9. Bodies that you are a member of
Any body of which you are a member or are in a position of general control or management and to whi
10. Bodies that you are a member of that exercise functions of a public nature
any body (i) exercising functions of a public nature; (ii) directed to charitable purposes or (iii)
Newcastle under Lyme Rural Parishes Transport Scheme
11. Bodies that you are a member of which are directed to charitable purposes
12. Bodies that you are a member of which influence public opinion or policy