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Active and Cohesive Communitie
Appointments Sub-Committee
Asset Policy Committee
Audit and Standards Committee
Audit and Standards Hearing Pa
Cabinet Panel - Concurrent Fun
Cabinet Panel - LAPS
Cabinet Panel for Community Ce
Cabinet Panel. Application fo
Capital Cabinet Panel
Carnival Working Party
Chief Officer Appointments, Re
Cleaner Greener and Safer Comm
Committee of the Council
Conservation Advisory Working
Constitution of the Council
Creating Sustainable Developme
Creating Sustainable Environme
Democracy and Social Inclusion
Development and Performance Re
DSO Advisory Group
Economic Development and Enter
Economy & Place Scrutiny Commi
Economy, Environment & Place S
Employment Committee
Extraordinary Council
Finance, Assets & Performance
Finance, Resources and Partner
General Purposes Committee
Grants Assessment Panel
Health and the Environment and
Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny
Health, Wellbeing & Environmen
Health,Wellbeing & Partnership
ICT Advisory Group
Improvement Board
Investigation and Disciplinary
Joint Finance, Resources & Par
Joint Parking Committee
Kidsgrove Sports Centre Cabine
Kidsgrove Town Council Meeting
Leisure, Amenities and Housing
Libraries Staffordshire Consul
Licensing & Public Protection
Licensing Committee
Licensing Sub-Committee
Loggerheads Parish Council Mee
Maer and Aston Parish Council
Member Development Panel
Members Information
Newcastle under Lyme Sports Co
Newcastle-under-Lyme Constitut
Newcastle-under-Lyme Sports Co
North Staffordshire Combined H
Overview and Scrutiny Co-ordin
Parish Council Forum
Planning Committee
Public Protection Committee
Public Protection Sub-Committe
Recycling and Performance Work
Recycling and Waste Strategy C
Regeneration and Transport Scr
Resources Scrutiny Panel
Revenue Investment and Budget
Safer Communities Partnership
Scrutiny Committee
Scrutiny Review Working Party
Scrutiny Task and Finish Group
Social Inclusion and Quality o
Special Cabinet
Special Council
Sports Council Review Working
Staffing Committee
Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Tre
Staffordshire Police and Crime
Standards Committee Determinat
Standards Sub-Committee
Task and Finish Group Cabinet
University Hospitals of North
West Midlands Ambulance Servic
Non Pecuniary
Personal and Prejudicial
(Leader), Councillor Simon Ta
Adcock, Councillor Rupert Adc
Allport, Councillor David All
Barker, Councillor Lilian Bar
Beeston, Councillor Susan Bee
Berrisford, Councillor Amanda
Bettley-Smith, Deputy Mayor -
Brockie, Councillor Wendy Bro
Brown, Councillor Jacqueline
Bryan, Councillor Amy Bryan
Burnett-Faulkner, Councillor
Crisp, Councillor Nicholas Cr
Dymond, Councillor Sylvia Dym
Edginton-Plunkett, Councillor
Fear, Councillor Andrew Fear
Fox-Hewitt, Councillor Andrew
Gorton, Councillor Richard Go
Grocott, Councillor David Gro
Heesom, Councillor Gill Heeso
Holland, Councillor Mark Holl
Hutchison, Councillor David H
Johnson, Councillor Trevor Jo
Jones, Councillor Dave Jones
Jones, Councillor Simon Jones
Lawley, Councillor Annabel La
Lewis, Councillor Rebekah Lew
Moss, Councillor Robert Moss
Northcott, Councillor Paul No
Panter, Mayor - Councillor Ba
Parker, Councillor Andrew Par
Reece, Councillor Philip Reec
Richards, Councillor Lesley R
Skelding, Councillor Craig Sk
Stubbs, Councillor Mike Stubb
Sweeney, Councillor Stephen S
Tagg, Councillor John Tagg
Waring, Councillor Jill Warin
Waring, Councillor Paul Warin
Whieldon, Councillor Joan Whi
White, Councillor Gary White
White, Councillor Simon White
Whitmore, Councillor Jill Whi
Wilkes, Councillor Ian Wilkes
Williams, Councillor Gillian
Williams, Councillor John Wil
Wright, Councillor Ruth Wrigh
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period