Issue details

Newcastles of the World Alliance

The Council has been asked to confirm the medium term commitment to financially contribute to the Newcastles of the World Alliance paid Secretariat. The Economic Development and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee considered the benefits of membership in light of the Council’s broad financial position. Scrutiny recommended that the Council withdraws from the Alliance to enable resources to be directed to activities which deliver priority local economic development outcomes.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/12/2014

Relevant Committee(s): Economy and Place;

Decision due: 14 Jan 2015 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cabinet Portfolio Holder - Sustainable Environment

Lead director: Executive Director Regeneration and Planning

Contact: Joanne Halliday, Service Director - Commercial Delivery Email:

Reason No Public Access: N/A