Issue - decisions

Former Keele Golf Course

23/07/2014 - Former Keele Golf Course

a)         That officers be authorised, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder(s), to undertake a community consultation exercise (for the purpose of informing the master plan) for a period of 8 weeks for initial expressions of interest, this timescale could then be extended to enable these expressions of interest to be expanded upon. The aim of the consultation would be to establish the potential scope for some form of community recreation use of the site in whole or in part on the basis described in the report and that the outcome reported back to the earliest available Cabinet meeting.


b)         That in parallel with recommendation (a), officers be authorised to procure the most economically advantageous arrangement for short term grounds maintenance in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder.


c)         That officers be authorised to agree, in principle, the terms and scope of a brief with relevant land owners to commission a master-planning exercise in consultation with the relevant portfolio holder, and reported back to Cabinet for approval.


d)         That the financial resources required as the Council’s contribution to the master-planning exercise be sought in accordance with current Financial Regulations.