Issue - decisions

Decision in Relation to Private Hire Vehicles and Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licence Fees

06/06/2014 - Decision in Relation to Private Hire Vehicles and Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licence Fees

Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Fees 2014/2015


Decision by the Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Finance and Resources


Urgent decision as per the constitution in part 2, Section 7, Para 7.6 - where a decision regarding a cabinet function requires attention as a matter of such urgency that formal reporting to Cabinet is not possible, the Leader or the Chief Executive or the Section 151 Officer or the Monitoring Officer of the appropriate executive Director may take that decision in consultation with a member of Cabinet (not being the Leader on the case of a Leader decision).


Date of decision: Friday 6th June 2014.


In attendance:


Cllr Elizabeth Shenton – Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Finance and Resources

Cllr Terry Turner – Portfolio Holder for Economic Regeneration, Business and Town Centres

Cllr Ann Beech – Portfolio Holder for Waste and Recycling


Mr Gary Colclough – Knights Taxis

Mr Mick Ormond   - knights Taxis

Mr Tariq Mamood – Hackney Carriage Association

Mr Mohammad Bashir Choudhry – Hackney Carriage Association


Julia Cleary- Democratic Services Manager 


A meeting was held on Thursday 5th June 2014 following the receipt of representations in relation to the proposed increase in fees for private hire and hackney carriage vehicles and private hire operators.




a)         That the fee for a private hire vehicle licence be set at £270 for the 2014/2015 financial year and take immediate effect.


b)         That the fee for a hackney carriage vehicle licence be set at £275 for the 2014/2015 financial year and take immediate effect.


c)         That the requirement to provide a £56 refundable deposit for plate carriers be discontinued with immediate effect.


d)         That the private hire operator licence fee be frozen at the current rate.


e)         That the following areas also be investigated with a view to reducing costs of licences in the future where possible.


           The issuing of a dual badge for private hire and hackney carriage drivers

           The combination of a VOSA Mot with the Council depot test

           A tendering process for a new lift at the depot

           The possibility of taking card payments and electronic payment

           The possibility of an online appointment booking system

           The possibility of a reduced depot test for brand new vehicles