Issue - decisions

Newcastle-under-Lyme Sports Council - Grant Aid 2015/16

23/07/2014 - Newcastle-under-Lyme Sports Council Review of Governance Arrangements

a)    That the Cabinet endorse the preferred option set out in the report to request the Council’s Grant Assessment Panel to be responsible for disbursing the Council’s sports grants


b)    That the Cabinet requests the Constitutional Review Group to consider the proposal to add co-opted non-voting members drawn from community representatives who have an expertise in matters of sport and sport development to the Grants Assessment Panel for the purpose of considering sports grants (Option D).


c)    That the existing support arrangements for the Sports Council – including provision of a honorary secretary and treasurer; administrative/democratic support and the provision of advice by Borough Council officers is discontinued. Cabinet is asked to note, however, the work currently being undertaken by the Sports Council itself in reviewing its work and governance (as outlined in this report).


d)    That the Cabinet approves these recommendations with a view to implementing the new arrangements from 1 November 2014 onwards.


e)    That the above recommendations be subject to agreement from the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture and Localism following consideration of the recommendations from the on-going review currently being undertaken by the Sports Council.