Issue - decisions

Welfare Benefits and Fairer Charging

17/07/2013 - Transforming Welfare Benefits and Fairer Charging Services in Staffordshire

Resolved: (a) That in principle, the transfer of work currently undertaken by Staffordshire County Council around Welfare Benefits and Fairer Charging Services for the Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council area is transferred to this authority.


(b)                           That subject to the satisfactory conclusion of detailed contract negotiations, the Executive Director (Resources and Support Services) in consultation with the portfolio holders for Finance and Resources and Stronger and Healthier Neighbourhoods be delegated to finally approve the transfer of the service.


(c)        That the Leader write to the County Council putting the case that the scheme be continued even if other local authorities choose not to participate.


(d)        That the Leader write to other Local Authorities highlighting the benefits of the scheme.