Issue - decisions

Delivery of the Carbon Management Plan

22/05/2013 - Delivery of the Carbon Management Plan

Councillor Ann Beech, portfolio holder for Environment and Recycling, introduced a report seeking approval for the 2013/14 Carbon Management Plan.


The Carbon Management Plan outlined the approach to reducing carbon emissions from the council’s own estate and operations and set out in a delivery plan the projects which would, where possible, be delivered.  The Cabinet had approved the use of Low Carbon Funding to take forward a range of projects and officers had been authorised to update the Carbon Management Plan Delivery Plan to reflect these projects.  The report outlined progress in delivering the Low Carbon funded projects in 2012/13 and sought the Cabinet’s views on the proposed projects for the calendar years of 2013 and 2014.




(1)               That progress on the delivery of the projects in the Carbon Management Delivery Plan for 2012/13 be note and the projects for the 2013/14 plan be approved in principle; and

(2)               That officers be authorised to seek external funding opportunities to support delivery of the remaining projects and to seek consideration of appropriate projects as part of the Invest to Save allocation process funded from the Budget Support Fund.