Issue - decisions

Questions From Members

28/11/2012 - Questions From Members

That written responses would be provided to the following supplementary questions:


Supplementary question from Cllr Mrs Shenton


Cllr Shenton raised a supplementary question regarding the timing of the Council meeting and queried whether in the future it could be moved to a Tuesday or Thursday in the same week.


The Leader stated that a written response would be provided to this question.


Supplementary Question from Cllr Loades


Cllr Loades requested information regarding the appointment of the Town Centre Manager and whether this could still go ahead if the Company had not yet been ratified.


A written response would be provided to this but the answer may also be covered in response to question 5.


Supplementary Question from Cllr Mrs Peers


Cllr Mrs Peers requested details regarding how much money had been contributed from Kidsgrove Town Council and other Parish Councils and whether all Town and Parish Councils had been asked to contribute to the Partnership.


A written answer would be provided.


Supplementary Question from Cllr Miss Mancey


Cllr Miss Mancey asked whether the Portfolio Holder thought the scheme could be viewed as a failure as no resident had yet been helped.


A written response would be provided.