Issue - decisions


10/07/2019 - JUBILEE2 UPDATE

(i)    That the information be received and the approach outlined in this report to address the budget deficit be endorsed.


(ii)   That the information be received and the approach outlined in this report to have effective repairs undertaken in the most economically efficient manner be endorsed and a further report in relation to the building’s latent defects be brought to a future Cabinet meeting.


(iii)  That the Executive Director Operational Services be given the authority to enter into a contract to secure a partnership for marketing support with Alliance Leisure for a period of four years.


(iv) That the Executive Director Operational Services be given the authority to enter into a contract to secure a partnership for commercial advertising sales with Strategi Solutions for a period of three years.


(v)  That funding for remedial works as set out in the recommendation in the Confidential Appendix, be approved.