Issue - decisions



(i)            That the progress on the completion of the Revenue and Capital Budgets for 2019/20 be received and noted.


(ii)           That the strategy for addressing the provisional forecast outturn for the 2018/19 revenue budget be noted.


(iii)          That the Council Tax levy to be proposed for 2019/20 be noted.


(iv)         That the level of reserves provisionally required to be maintained in 2019/20 be noted.


(v)          That the report be amended following the update tabled at the  meeting and that the Finance, Assets and Partnerships Scrutiny Committee be asked to consider what comments it wishes to make on the draft Budget and Council Tax and be asked to consider and respond to the following questions before the final proposals are considered at Cabinet on 6th February 2019:


Does the Scrutiny Committee:

1.    Support the inclusion of the income from the Charged Garden Waste

Service in the revenue budget?

2.    Support the use of the 75% Business Rates Retention Pilot income to

accelerate the introduction of the Council’s new recycling service?

3.    Support the creation of the Borough Growth Fund as set out in the

‘Statutory Guidance on the Flexible Use of Capital Receipts’?

4.    Have any comments on the use of the Borough Growth Fund to

support the Corporate Priorities as set out in 3.14?


(vi)         That the Flexible Use of Capital Receipts Strategy be recommended for approval by Council on 20th February 2019.