Issue - decisions

Update on Asset Management Strategy and Delivery Plan

18/01/2017 - Update on Asset Management Strategy and Delivery Plan

A report was submitted to Cabinet updating Members on progress with the delivery of the approved Asset Management Strategy and to approve further actions.


Members’ attention was drawn to Appendix 1 of the report and in particular, sites subject to Village Green Applications.


A consultation process had recently been carried out for two sites in Newcastle-under-Lyme – Victoria Street, Chesterton and the former Crackley Community Centre, Holly Road, Chesterton.   In respect of the former Crackley Community Centre, one response was received from Aspire Housing which gave a positive approach. The Cabinet agreed that both sites could and should be disposed of and added to the Asset Management Plan.


Resolved:       (i)       That the updated Asset Management Strategy and

Delivery Plan be approved  and officers be authorised to proceed with disposals in liaison with the relevant Portfolio Holder.


(ii)       That, having reviewed the consultation responses, the

disposal of land at Victoria Street, Chesterton be agreed.


(iii)      That, having reviewed the consultation responses, the disposal of the former Crackley Community Centre be agreed.


(iv)      That officers be authorised to take the necessary steps to dispose of the operational assets referred to in the report arising from the Council’s move to the new Civic Hub in 2017.


(v)       That a further report, refreshing the Asset Management Strategy Delivery Plan be considered by Cabinet following approval of the Open Spaces Strategy.


(vi)      That officers be authorised to engage with the County Council on the basis set out in the report in respect of Council-owned land that is the subject of Village Green applications.


(vii)    That officers identify premises within its commercial portfolio, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder, which are considered appropriate for disposal on the basis set out in the report and that officers be authorised to take all necessary steps to expedite any such disposals.