Committee attendance

Council, 4 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor John Cooper 4
Councillor Julie Cooper 4
Councillor Andrew Fear 4
Councillor Gill Heesom 4
Councillor Marion Reddish 3
Councillor Kyle Robinson 4
Councillor Elizabeth Shenton 4
Councillor Stephen Sweeney 4
Councillor John Tagg 4
Councillor Simon Tagg 4
Councillor June Walklate 3
Councillor Ian Wilkes 4
Councillor Gillian Williams 4
Councillor John Williams 4
Councillor Tony Kearon 4
Councillor Paul Waring 4
Councillor Gillian Burnett -Faulkner 4
Councillor Mark Holland 4
Councillor Simon White 2
Councillor Silvia Burgess 4
Councillor Mike Stubbs 4
Councillor Amelia Rout 4
Councillor Bert Proctor 4
Councillor Paul Northcott 4
Councillor Trevor Johnson 4
Councillor Andrew Parker 4
Councillor Sylvia Dymond 4
Councillor Sarah Pickup 3
Councillor Dave Jones 4
Councillor Allison Gardner 3
Councillor Chris Spence 4
Mayor - Councillor Barry Panter 4
Councillor Ruth Wright 4
Councillor Gary White 4
Councillor Jill Waring 4
Councillor Andrew Fox-Hewitt 3
Councillor Sue Moffat 4
Councillor Jennifer Cooper 4
Councillor Annabel Lawley 4
Councillor Emily Horsfall 4
Councillor Helena Maxfield 4
Councillor Brian Johnson 4
Councillor David Harrison 4
Economy, Environment & Place Scrutiny Committee, 4 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor John Cooper 3
Councillor Marion Reddish 2
Councillor John Tagg 3
Councillor John Williams 4
Councillor Silvia Burgess 4
Councillor Amelia Rout 1
Councillor Allison Gardner 4
Mayor - Councillor Barry Panter 3
Councillor Gary White 4
Councillor Annabel Lawley 3
Councillor Helena Maxfield 1
Councillor David Harrison 3
Investigation and Disciplinary Panel, 2 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Marion Reddish 0
Councillor Kyle Robinson 1
Councillor June Walklate 1
Councillor Mark Holland 1
Councillor Bert Proctor 1
Councillor Trevor Johnson 1
Councillor Dave Jones 1
Licensing & Public Protection Committee, 5 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor John Cooper 4
Councillor Julie Cooper 3
Councillor Kyle Robinson 4
Councillor Stephen Sweeney 4
Councillor John Tagg 3
Councillor June Walklate 5
Councillor Gillian Williams 4
Councillor John Williams 4
Councillor Tony Kearon 4
Councillor Simon White 4
Councillor Trevor Johnson 3
Councillor Andrew Parker 3
Councillor Sylvia Dymond 4
Councillor Chris Spence 1
Councillor Ruth Wright 4
Councillor Jill Waring 5
Planning Committee, 7 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Andrew Fear 6
Councillor Marion Reddish 5
Councillor Kyle Robinson 1
Councillor Stephen Sweeney 1
Councillor Simon Tagg 6
Councillor Ian Wilkes 0
Councillor Gillian Williams 7
Councillor John Williams 7
Councillor Mark Holland 3
Councillor Silvia Burgess 7
Councillor Bert Proctor 5
Councillor Paul Northcott 6
Councillor Sarah Pickup 6
Councillor Chris Spence 2
Mayor - Councillor Barry Panter 1
Councillor Gary White 2
Councillor Jennifer Cooper 6
Councillor Helena Maxfield 6
Task and Finish Group Cabinet Panel, 2 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Julie Cooper 2
Councillor Marion Reddish 2
Councillor Kyle Robinson 2
Councillor Paul Waring 1
Councillor Silvia Burgess 2
Councillor Bert Proctor 1
Councillor Trevor Johnson 2
Councillor Ruth Wright 1
Councillor David Harrison 2