Agenda item

Scale of Fees and Charges


The Executive Director Resources and Support Services presented the Scale of Fees and Charges report which was presented to Cabinet on Wednesday 14th January 2015.


In the Medium Term Financial Strategy a 2% increase was built in the fees and charges.  When the fees and charges were submitted it was evident there was a shortfall of approximately £27,000, in comparison to the assumed overall 2% increase.  This shortfall, incurred as a result of below inflation increases and freezes in fees and charges (i.e. car parks and markets), would be addressed as an additional pressure in the 2015/16 preparation process.


A typo error was pointed out on the Deleted Charges – Description of Charge table of the report under the Classes section as follows “Anti natal – teaching pool” should read “Antenatal – teaching pool”


The following questions were raised and answers provided:-


Q1:      Why had the bereavement/burial service and Jubilee 2 fees increased?


A1:      The Executive Director Operational Services advised it was necessary overall to increase fees to allow for increases to the cost of providing the service. In respect of Jubilee 2, this is positioned within a competitive market.  When the Borough Council prices are compared with budget gyms and private operators the Borough Council still provided a better offer and excellent value for money.  The Council’s membership numbers were well ahead of target, this needs to be continued by marketing and promotional initiatives to attract new members and retention of existing members.


            The cost to the bereavement/burial service was increased yearly due to contractor and staff costs.  Benchmarking was carried out with other authorities.


Q2:      Did the Council ask members why they were leaving Jubilee 2 or Kidsgrove Sports Centre, to enable these reasons to be rectified and also were new members asked they were joining?


A2:      The Executive Director Operational Services advised a feedback to existing members had recently been introduced and leisure staff endeavoured to ask members to complete an exit questionnaire but in some instances this proved difficult.  Enquiries would be made to clarify whether the service carries out a survey of why members join.


Q3:      Are concessions included in the burial/bereavement service?


A3:      The Executive Director Operational Services advised concessions were not included but there was financial assistance to families who were in receipt of a certain benefits, could apply for.  This information was held at Keele Cemetery and Bradwell Crematorium and advice was given to bereaved families by funeral directors.


Q4:      Was a fuel record being kept or was it bound by contractors?


A4:      The Executive Director Operational Services advised the Council buys fuel on a weekly basis from purchasing frameworks to ensure the best prices are obtained at the point of purchase. Records are kept in this respect.


Q5:      Does the Council use green fuel?


A5:      The Executive Director Operational Services advised this needed to be further developed before the Council would use it for its main fleet vehicles.


Q6:      Could a record be kept on how much the Council had saved.


A6:      Both the Executive Director of Operational Services and the Executive Director Resources and Support Service agreed to this.




(a)          That a record is kept of how savings had been achieved by the Council.

(b)         That Committee agreed to the fees and charges proposed to apply from the 1st April 2015


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