Agenda item

Financial and Performance Management Report to end of Quarter One (April - June) 2014


The Executive Director (Resources and Support Services) gave an update on the finance aspects of the Financial and Performance Review report – first quarter 2014/15.  The position at the end of the first quarter showed a favourable variance of £5,000.


There were, however, a number of both favourable and adverse variances:-


·        Jubilee 2 had been operating at a net overspend as at 30th June 2014, primarily due to income shortfall.  A report had been requested from relevant officers giving the reasons for the overspend, together with actions that were being taken to mitigate the situation.

·        Kidsgrove Sports Centre had also been operating at a net overspend as at 30th June 2014.

·        Commercial rents continue to yield less than expected.

·        The overtime budget had been overspent as no changes had been implemented to deliver the 2014/15 savings target of £100k.

·        Additionally a number of service under spends had occurred.


In respect of capital expenditure, £1,015,450 of the revised budget had been expected to be spent by the 30th June 2014; the actual amount spent was £905,061 resulting in a variance as at the end of Quarter 1 of £110,389.


A member raised concern regarding overtime.  The Executive Director (Resources and Support Services) advised that discussions were ongoing with the Trade Unions in respect of options to deliver the savings.


In terms of the performance part of the report, the Head of Business Improvement, Central Services and Partnerships advised that performance was generally going well, with the majority of targets being met, but the position was being tightly monitored.


There had been various changes to the layout of the Corporate Performance Scorecard, mainly by a reduction in size and the use of symbols.  The “Good is” column denoted whether ‘low’ or ‘high’ figures were good and allowed the reader to analyse the results in detail.  There were two columns showing comparative quarterly performance for 2013-14 and 2014-15.  The fourth column showed the target for 2014-15 and one set of symbols (icons) showing whether performance was on target or not at the present time.


A small number of performance figures for Quarter 1 were not on target but the direction of travel remained positive.


Appendix ‘C’ was a new addition “Delivering our Outcomes” and gave information, in the form of a case study, on the work presently being undertaken to reduce and resolve incidences in communities.  Members were advised that they may wish to use this case study to ask further questions about the service featured.


A Member commented that the wording of the case study needed to be reviewed and presented in a clearer way at future meetings.


A Member advised that, overall, the performance data produced was very good and asked, in reference to 1.7 (the amount of residual waste per household) what were “the residents’ behavioural changes”? The Head of Business Improvement, Central Services and Partnerships advised he would report back with the information.


The Head of Environmental Health Services advised that the wording of the food hygiene “Broadly Compliant” was a national indicator and the Food Standards Agency were not obliged to display the food rating sign.  All food hygiene scores were available on the website.


The Chair thanked the Head of Business Improvement, Central Services and Partnerships for presenting the report.




(a)       That Members agree to the recommendations that the Council continues to monitor and scrutinise performance alongside the latest financial information for the same period.


(b)       That the Head of Business Improvement, Central Services and Partnerships report back on reference 1.7


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