Agenda item

Revenue and Capital Budgets and Council Tax 2014 - 2015


Members received a report setting out the recommendations of Cabinet for the Revenue and Capital Budgets for 2014/15 and set out the recommendations for setting the 2014/15 Council Tax.


The Portfolio Holder for Finance and Resources introduced the report and moved the recommendations listed in Appendix A (a to n).


An amendment was submitted by Cllr Sweeney and was seconded by Cllr Loades. A copy of the amendment was circulated to members.


The amendment was as follows:


‘After the words’’…..set out in appendix a’’ add


To raise £13,500 by capping car mileage rates paid to council staff to the HM Revenue and Customs rate of 45p per mile (over nine months further to statutory consultation period of 90 days) in 2014/2015 which will rise to £18,000 over a full year.


To raise £10,000 by the abolition of the 7th cabinet member and a return to daytime cabinet meetings along with our withdrawl from the cooperative innovation network.


To raise £30,000 by withdrawing our financial support to the Town Centre Partnership.


To raise £50,000 by reducing our revenue investment fund to £50,000.


To support our local community centres and their management committees by increasing their repairs and maintenance budget to the sun of £103,500 funded by the savings identified above.


Cllr M Taylor declared an interest in the amendment due to his employment as the Town Centre Manager. Cllr Taylor left the meeting whilst discussions on the amendment were held.


A named vote was taken on the amendment as follows:


Allport – Against

Fear – For

Peers – For

Waring – Against

Astle – Against

Mrs Hailstones - For

Plant – Against

Welsh – Against

Bailey – Against

Hailstones – For

Reddish – Abstain

Wemyss – Abstain

Baker – Against

Mrs Hambleton – Against

Robinson – Against

White – Abstain

Bates – Against

Hambleton – Against

Shenton – Against

Wilkes – Abstain

Becket- Abstain

Heesom - For

Simpson – against

Mrs Williams – Against

Beech – Against


Holland – For

Snell – Against

Williams – Against

Boden  - Against

Johnson – Against

Stringer – Against

Winfield - Against

Burgess – Against


Jones - Abstain

Stubbs – Against


Burnett – Against


Kearon – Against

Studd – Abstain


Clarke – Against


Loades – For

Sweeney – For


Miss Cooper – For


Mancey – For

Tagg – For


Cornes – Abstain

Matthews – For

J Taylor – Against


Eagles- Against

Olszewski – Against

Turner – Against


Eastwood - Against

Miss Olszewski – Against

Walklate - Abstain



Against: 32

For: 12

Abstain: 9


The amendment was rejected and debate returned to the substantive motion.


Members thanked all officers who had been involved in the preparation of the budget and complimented them on a job very well done under difficult circumstances.


The substantive motion had already been moved by the portfolio holder it was seconded and a named vote requested. The results of the vote were as follows:


Allport – For               

Fear – Abstain

Peers – Abstain

Waring – For

Astle  - For

Mrs Hailstones - Abstain

Plant – For

Welsh – For

Bailey – For

Hailstones – Abstain

Reddish – For

Wemyss – For

Baker – For

Mrs Hambleton – For

Robinson – For

White – For

Bates – For


Hambleton – For

Shenton – For

Wilkes – For

Becket - For

Heesom - Abstain

Simpson – For

Mrs Williams –For


Beech – For


Holland – Abstain

Snell – For

Williams – For

Boden  - For


Johnson – For

Stringer – For

Winfield - For

Burgess – For


Jones - For

Stubbs – For

M Matthews  - for

Burnett – For


Kearon – For

Studd – For


Clarke – For


Loades – Abstain

Sweeney – Abstain


Miss Cooper – Abstain


Mancey – Abstain

Tagg – Abstain


Cornes – For

Matthews – Abstain

J Taylor – For


Eagles- For

Olszewski – For


Turner – For


Eastwood - For

Miss Olszewski – For

Walklate - For



For: 42

Abstain: 12


Resolved: That the Council approves the recommendations set out in Appendix ‘A’.



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