Agenda item

New Applications Received

To make observations on new applications received.


Resolved:-     That the following observations be made on the applications listed below:-


App No

Proposed Development and Name of Applicant



Upgrading of plant room, over cladding of buildings, replacement windows and new roof at Horwood Boiler House, Keele University.

University of Keele

No objections.  The Working Party felt that the proposals were of a good design but a condition requiring the submission of a landscaping scheme on the grass verge at the front was necessary.


Proposed conservatory to the rear of the property at 2 Nursery Gardens, Park Road, Butterton

No objections.  However concerns were raised regarding the plumbing to the internal hot tub and the affect on the archaeology of the site.  Conditions for an Archaeological Watching Brief and materials to match the main dwelling are advised.


Retention of retaining boundary wall at Butterton Nurseries, Park Road,, Butterton.

The Working Party object to the application due to the red brick wall not being in keeping with the Butterton Conservation Area which is at risk.  A hedgerow or stone wall would be a more suitable solution.


Replacement garage at Smithy Cottage, Mucklestone

The Working Party object on the grounds of size and scale and the impact on the Conservation Area and the setting of the listed building.  CAWP also recommend a deep overhang of the eaves to match the main dwelling

13/00951/FUL & 13/00952/LBC

Retention of part built proposed single storey rear/side extension at 1 Station Road, Madeley,

Mr M Eaton

The Working Party raised objections to the applications and how the works had been carried out.  The variation in height of the extensions does not appear acceptable and the materials should match the existing dwelling.


Proposed rebuilding of boathouse (resubmission 10/00619/FUL) at Boat house at Lake no.1, Keele University

Universiry of Keele

No objections.


Retention of 3 air conditioning condensers and 2 refrigeration condensers on rear wall at Herons Foods, Castle Walk, Newcastle

The Working Party strongly object to the application on the grounds of the number of units and the incongruous nature of the units which would have an adverse impact on the appearance of Market Lane and the Town Centre Conservation Area.



Residential development of up to 350 dwellings including open space, new vehicular accesses, infrastructure, ancillary development and associated earthworks at Land Between Apedale Road And Palatine Drive Chesterton

Lands Improvement Holdings Landmatch

No objections but the Working Party wish to be kept up to date on the progress of the Watching Brief and its findings advised by the County Council Archaeologist.



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