Agenda item

New Applications Received

To make observations on new applications received.


Resolved:-   That the following observations be made on the applications listed below:-


App No

Proposed Development and Name of Applicant






New Look, Castle Walk, Newcastle-under-Lyme.

New Look Group plc.

Four illuminated fascia signs and one illuminated sign.

The proposed sign is too deep for the existing shop fascia and its depth should be reduced.  To comply with Policy, letters should be individually illuminated and should stand proud from background panel and not be lit through a light box as proposed.





Rare Restaurant, Rectory Buildings, 39 Ironmarket.

Replacement roller shutter with aluminium double doors.

No objections.




13/00838/FUL & 13/00839/LBC

Outbuildings at Whitmore Hall Estate.

Mr Cavanagh-Mainwaring.

Conversion of outbuildings.

This Working Party feels that this barn conversion is ill thought out and that the proposed proposal and extension harms the setting of the Grade I site and important landscape.  They object to the raising of the roof of the eastern section and think that the majority of alterations should be undertaken on the already modified southern elevation.





Keele University Campus, Keele.

Conversion and extension of existing oil bund to create store.

No objections.




13/00871/FUL & 13/00872/LBC

Willoughbridge Lodge Cottage, Willoughbridge Lane.

M R McDowell.

Demolition of existing garage and conservatory and erection of two 2-storey side extensions.

The Working Party wants the main building and extension to have timber windows, as in previous decision and want doors including the garage to be in timber as well.




13/00884/ADV & 13/00883/FUL

106 High Street, Newcastle.

Ms S Henly.

1 illuminated fascia sign and 1 illuminated projecting sign.  Installation of new shop front, 2 air conditioning units and satellite dish.

The Working Party have no objections to the fascia sign but feel that the introduction of a hanging sign in this location is detrimental to the character and appearance of the Conservation Area.  They would like the number of the property displaying somewhere on the building.





1 Mount Pleasant, Newcastle.


Newcastle-under-Lyme Dental Practice.

Single storey extension within existing front courtyard.

This is a keynote building in the Streetscene of this Conservation Area.  The Working Party objects to this proposal which does not retain the existing character of the former residential property, in terms of its quality of design and the fact that it comes right up to the edge of the highway including the loss of the gate piers.  The Working Party wants any gate to be a solid gate to shield the appearance of the bins.


Supporting documents: