Agenda item

Questions to the Mayor, Cabinet Members and Committee Chairs

In accordance with Procedure Rule 11, questions must be submitted at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.  Any questions considered urgent will only be accepted with the agreement of the Mayor prior to the meeting.



Question 1 submitted by Cllr Howells:


Given the facts that:


Britain is now the fastest growing Economy in the developed world (OECD Monday 18 November 2013) 1.4 million more private sector jobs have been created since the last General Election Britain now has record levels in employment and in view of the recent revelations surrounding the Rev Paul Flowers (former Chairman of the Cooperative Bank, formal Labour District Councillor and former adviser to the Labour Party), do you agree that it would be wise for the Council to clearly distance itself, for the avoidance of any doubt, from the Cooperative Movement by deleting the reference to “…a co-operative council …” in its Newcastle under Lyme Borough Council Plan 2013/13 – 2015/16 (page 21 where it reads “Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council is working towards being a co-operative council …”) and instead insert “…a partnership council encouraging enterprise ….”?


Response from Cllr Snell:




Supplementary question from Cllr Howells:


Does any Newcastle under Lyme or Kidsgrove Councillors receive any co-op funding?


Response from Cllr Snell:


This is all on public record


Question 2 submitted by Cllr Sweeney:


What is the Leader’s view on zero hour contracts?


Response from Cllr Snell:


Zero hour contracts can be unjust when they are used inappropriately but there are some people who have requested to remain on such contracts.


Supplementary questions from Cllr Sweeney:


Are there staff at the Council employed on zero contract hours and does the Leader except that there is little difference between zero hour and casual contracts?


Response from Cllr Snell:


There are 83 people employed on such hours, generally in the sports departments, many of whom are students whom such an arrangement suits. Talks were currently underway with staff on zero hour contracts, the trade unions and managers regarding the future of such contracts.


Question 3 submitted by Cllr Holland:


 Last week, Newcastle's MP Paul Farrelly visited Chesterton, to learn about the excellent work that the Salvation Army is doing there, to help the unemployed into work.  Does the Leader welcome the Government's efforts to tackle unemployment, which have seen the creation of 1.4 million new jobs since 2010, meaning more people in this country are now in work than ever before, and what is his administration doing to help people into employment in our community?


Response from Cllr Snell:


If new jobs are being created then this is a good thing. The Council is working closely with aspire to open up supply chain contracts, using its commissioning powers and working with Newcastle College to help young people into work and to ensure that they have the right skill set for the job market.


Question 4 from Cllr Fear:


Does the Leader endorse plans to charge the Borough's residents for the Council's rat catching service?

Response from Cllr Snell:


Cross party consensus regarding this had been reached and the Public Protection Committee where the issue had been recently discussed. Care however had to be taken to ensure that the service was not cost prohibitive.