Agenda item

Proposed Retail-Led Redevelopment of Land at Ryecroft


A report was submitted to update Members on actions and next steps required to secure a retail-led regeneration and redevelopment of land in the Ryecroft area of the town centre and to seek approval for key actions required to enable progress to be made on the redevelopment plans.


An amendment to the report was submitted and it was agreed that the amendment be included as recommendation 3b on the report. The amendment stated:


That the Civic Offices will not be relocated unless and until there is a clear business case for a new location and there is a firm contract in place to redevelop the whole of the Ryecroft Site.


A debate was held on the amended report. A guarantee was sought from members that any borrowing be short term and of a bridging nature only, that any new development be of a modern design and if appropriate a greater degree of housing be provided on the site.


The Leader drew Members attention to paragraph 4.3 of the report and stated that all outcomes would be brought back to Full Council and be subjected to the fullest scrutiny.


Some concerns were raised regarding whether the library and guildhall would be included in the mix and whether this would result in less space for books and learning. At present there was no desire to include the Guildhall in the mix but the library situation could not be guaranteed.


Members also requested that any plans regarding demolition works be made public as soon as possible to avoid public disturbance and that a timeline for the entire project was essential.




1.    That officers be authorised in liaison with its Joint Venture partner, Staffordshire County Council to commission the demolition of the former Sainsbury’s store on the basis set out in the report, including the seeking of necessary consents.


2.    Subject to in-principle approval being given to relocate from the Civic offices, officers be authorised to proceed with the formal marketing of the Ryecroft redevelopment opportunity, with the aim of securing a preferred developer/investor.


3.    That approval is given, in principle, for officers to work with key partners in the preparation of a full business case for the relocation of the Civic Offices based upon the broad principles set out in the report in order to facilitate the comprehensive retail-led redevelopment of the Ryecroft area and to contribute towards broader regeneration objectives for the town centre.


3b.    That the Civic Offices will not be relocated unless and until there is a clear business case for a new location and there is a firm contract in place to redevelop the whole of the Ryecroft Site.


4.    That officers be authorised in liaison with its Joint Venture partner, Staffordshire County Council to commission the demolition of the former Sainsbury’s store on the basis set out in the report, including the seeking of necessary consents.


5.    That provision of up to £75,000 revenue funding be made available from the Revenue Investment Fund and up to £50,000 of funding be allocated from the Capital Programme to support the actions set out in the report.


6.    That officers report back to Members the outcomes of items 1 and 2 at the earliest available opportunity in order that the next key decision can be made.


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