Agenda item

New Applications Received

To make observations on new applications received.


Resolved:-   That the following observations be made on the applications listed below:-


App No

Proposed development and Name of Applicant(s)






Aston Manor Farmhouse, Pipegate, Near Market Drayton.

Replacement windows.

No objections.





Grindley Cottage, Church Lane, Betley.

Mr & Mrs Cox.

Ground floor rear extension.

No objections.





North Staffs Nuffield Hospital Clayton.

Proposed temporary location of mobile screening facilities and associated landscaping, fence, road and path.

No objections provided the mobile scanning facilities are located in the position shown for a temporary period (to allow a reasonable period no more than two years) for the construction of the development referred to in 13/00640/FUL) and the land is subsequently reinstated to its current condition.





North Staffs Nuffield Hospital, Clayton.

Single storey extension, external plant area and substation.

No objections subject to the Planning Authority receiving expert advice from the Council’s arboricultural officers that the substation would not detrimentally harm the adjacent trees, which the Working Party considered to be beneficial to the setting of the adjacent Clayton Conservation Area.





19 Hanover Street, Newcastle.

Mr J Hayden.

Alterations to external appearance with insulated render, re-roofing, replacement sash windows and reinstatement of windows and doors.

Supported the proposals, although the Working Party would wish to see any proposed brick arch heads to the windows properly executed and an appropriate condition attached to achieve this.





19 Hanover Street, Newcastle.

Mr J Hayden.

New and replacement signage.

No objections to the projecting hanging sign, but concerns about the adverse amenity impact on the appearance of the Conservation Area of the sign on the end elevation by reason of its size and position.




13/00746/FUL & 13/00747/LBC

Lime View, Main Road, Betley.

Mr & Mrs Kerr.

Erection of ground floor rear extension, work to kitchen and first floor bathroom (revised scheme).

No objections.


Supporting documents: