Agenda item

Transforming Welfare Benefits and Fairer Charging Services in Staffordshire


Resolved: (a) That in principle, the transfer of work currently undertaken by Staffordshire County Council around Welfare Benefits and Fairer Charging Services for the Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council area is transferred to this authority.


(b)                           That subject to the satisfactory conclusion of detailed contract negotiations, the Executive Director (Resources and Support Services) in consultation with the portfolio holders for Finance and Resources and Stronger and Healthier Neighbourhoods be delegated to finally approve the transfer of the service.


(c)        That the Leader write to the County Council putting the case that the scheme be continued even if other local authorities choose not to participate.


(d)        That the Leader write to other Local Authorities highlighting the benefits of the scheme.




Cabinet received a report to approve in principle, the transfer of work currently undertaken by Staffordshire County Council around Welfare Benefits and Fairer Charging Services, to Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council, as part of a package of work involving all district and borough councils in Staffordshire. Additionally, to confirm delegated powers to the Executive Director (Resources and Support Services) in consultation with the portfolio holders for Finance and Resources and Stronger and Healthier Neighbourhoods to finally approve the transfer, subject to the satisfactory conclusion of detailed contract negotiations.


The assessment by district and borough councils of Council Tax Reduction and Housing Benefit and the work undertaken separately by Staffordshire County Council to deliver Welfare Benefits and Fairer Charging Services currently involves a certain amount of duplication, with a proportion of common clients. To access all the help available to them, these clients are required to undergo two broadly similar processes and are needed to evidence their claims to two separate organisations. Transferring the Welfare Benefits and Fairer Charging Services to district and borough councils will lead to a more efficient single point of service delivery. This will improve the client experience, delivering entitlements in a timelier manner and from a locally accessible centre. There will also be cost savings with the revised delivery model which will be shared between the County and district and borough councils.


The Leader stated that there would need to be a clear communication strategy regarding this highlighting why the Borough Council was proceeding in this way and especially why it was now requesting additional financial information from residents.  The Leader agreed that he would liaise with the Councils Head of Communications regarding this.


Members noted the importance of stability regarding the service that residents would receive.


Attention was drawn to section 3.6 of the report where it was noted that that the pilot authorities were now out performing the remaining experienced in house County Council team on timescales for processing cases. It was confidently predicted that should the work be transferred permanently to the districts and boroughs that there are still further efficiencies to be made. Concerns were however raised that should one or more local authorities pull out of the scheme that it would all collapse and return to the County Council. It was therefore agreed that The Leader would write to the County Council putting the case that the scheme continue even if one or more local authorities were to pull out, he would also write to other local authorise highlighting the benefits of the scheme (including performance date gathered so far).



Resolved: (a) That in principle, the transfer of work currently undertaken by Staffordshire County Council around Welfare Benefits and Fairer Charging Services for the Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council area is transferred to this authority.


(b)                           That subject to the satisfactory conclusion of detailed contract negotiations, the Executive Director (Resources and Support Services) in consultation with the portfolio holders for Finance and Resources and Stronger and Healthier Neighbourhoods be delegated to finally approve the transfer of the service.


(c)        That the Leader write to the County Council putting the case that the scheme be continued even if other local authorities choose not to participate.


(d)        That the Leader write to other Local Authorities highlighting the benefits of the scheme.



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