Agenda item

New Applications Received

To make observations on new applications received.


Resolved:-   That the following observations be made on the applications listed below:-


App No

Proposed development and name of applicant






The Old Church, Acton, Newcastle.

Mr S Glass.

Erection of double garage.

No objections in principle to the car barn, but the plan drawing does not appear to match the elevation drawings.  This should be clear and the design shown on the plan would be preferable.




13/00470/FUL & 13/00471/LBC

7 Birches Farm Mews, Madeley.

Mr R Newton.

Erection of replacement conservatory/sun lounge.

No objections.




13/00424/FUL & 13/00425/CAC

The Hawthorns and Keele Campus, Keele.

Keele Seddon Ltd.

Proposed student accommodation and car parking and proposed residential development of 92 dwellings with school drop off point, shop and linked Greenspace.  Demolition of existing buildings at The Hawthorns.

The Working Party felt that the proposed student accommodation at Barnes was a disappointing solution for the requirements of the university and not very aspirational or forward thinking in terms of how the new design fits in with the wider plans for the campus and how it links in with the existing buildings.  The design should be bolder and have a greater quality and form.  The Working Party does not object to the demolition of the buildings at The Hawthorns.  In terms of the housing layout, the Working Party thinks the proposal has considered the surroundings of the village and whilst the architecture is ‘safe’, it is relatively successful.  It suggests that the two open spaces should be linked together better to create better pedestrian movement through the site and that the terraces in front of the open space, adjacent to The Hawthorns are a little too formal combined with the large area of parking.  Suggests this area is reworked.





University of Keele.

Creation of a ‘Planetary Trail’

The Working Party does not object to the principle of the project and its educational ethos, however, some Members felt that the quality of the art installations was poorly conceived and could be better delivered and presented.





Unitarian Meeting House, Lower Street, Newcastle.

Mr T Woodward.

Removal of some box pews on ground.

The pews were probably from 1837 and therefore had historic significance.  Their removal would degrade the character of the building and their significance as a church.  The Working Party were concerned that the ground floor would look like any community hall and concerns were raised where the chairs would be stored.  The Working Party strongly objects to the proposal.





Paddocks Farm, Keele.

Mr J Summerfield.

Erection of steel portal framed building, phase 1 and 2.

The Working Party has concerns about the affect of the proposed barns on the character of the historic registered parkland.  There are significant views from the south and consideration of this application should have the benefit of a Landscape Impact Assessment.



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