Agenda item

Newcastle Economic Development Strategy - Year Two Action Plan and Year One Review

To receive a report on the Newcastle Economic Development Strategy – Year Two Action Plan and Year One Review. 


The Regeneration and Economic Development Manager presented a report on the Newcastle Economic Development Strategy.  Cabinet had agreed the strategy for the Borough at its meeting last May following consultation with partners and the local business community on an earlier draft.  When the preparation of a new Economic Development Strategy had first been discussed, it was initially proposed to provide a mid term report half way through the five year horizon of the strategy but Cabinet had instead requested an annual review.  The appendix to the report provided a review of the Year One Action Plan and set out a proposed Year Two Action Plan.  The action plan, like the strategy itself, was based around four themes, economy, place and infrastructure, people and image and marketing.  He gave a status update on some of the actions contained within the plan. 


A Member stated that it was important to communicate the initiatives that the Borough were undertaking.  It was also important to communicate them to Members of the Council so they could help keep their ward informed.  He added that there were certain initiatives which would benefit from publicity outside of the Borough area, which were important for tourism.  The Regeneration and Economic Development Manager in response stated that they were important points which could be conveyed to Cabinet. 


A Member asked about the status of the Economic Development local plan.  In response the Executive Director for Regeneration and Development stated that a timetable would be received by Members by the end of the calendar year. 


A Member enquired about the status of the Ryecroft development scheme.  In response the Executive Director for Regeneration and Development stated that the Council was currently preparing the financial information for the business plan before proceeding to market.  It was important to have a clear understanding before proceeding to market in the autumn. 


A Member asked if there was a breakdown of the apprenticeships and family initiatives which the Council had played a part in securing.  He stated that there was a considerable amount of people aged between 24 and 30 that were finding it hard to obtain jobs and that this age group should be targeted. 


A Member enquired whether the Council was doing every thing it could to attract funding from agencies within the region.  The Regeneration and Economic Development Manager in response stated the Council was working with Stoke-on-Trent on receiving some new European funding.  An event had also been held last Friday to which a number of companies had been invited.  The companies invited were encouraged to look at apprenticeship opportunities.  As a consequence of this event, he believed a number of apprenticeship opportunities had been offered. 


A Member asked what the Borough Council was doing to encourage start up businesses.  In response, the Regeneration and Economic Development Manager stated that there were a number of initiatives currently taking place, one of which was the pop up shop trial.


The Regeneration and Economic Development Manager undertook to given a written response to a number of questions from Members, these included what assistance was available for graduate business start up, an age breakdown of FEI customers,  some information on what the Council was doing to promote Apedale County Park and the Borough generally for tourism, an update on talent match and the total number of apprenticeships as part of the 100 in 100 event. 


The Chair requested an idiot’s guide to the main strategies for Members’ use with the key points for each strategy incorporated.  This would ensure Members were better informed in the future.  He also asked that a simplified version of the Action Plan be made available to all Elected Members and that the Year Two Action Plan should have more definitive deadlines for the expected completion of individual Actions.

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