Agenda item

New Applications Received

To make observations on new applications received.


Resolved:-   That the following observations be made on the applications listed below:-


App No

Proposed development and name of applicant






The Hawthorns and Keele Campus University.

Keele Seddon Ltd.

Proposed student accommodation on campus and residential development of 92 dwellings (amended plans).

The Working Party has no objections to the proposed amendments but requests that the school drop off parking operates as a one way system and that the parking should be set diagonally






22 Waterside Close, Madeley.

Mr & Mrs Beard.

Rear conservatory.

No objections.





The Raj. Poolside, Madeley.

Mr M Ali.

Single storey extension.

No objections





Dominos Pizza, Barracks Road, Newcastle.

Dominos Pizza UK.

Two illuminated fascia signs and one internally illuminated projecting sign.

No objections.





David Weatherall Building, Keele University.

Keele Facilities Management.

First floor extension.

No objections.





Land off Maer Lane, Maer.

Mr M Gainham.

Proposed agricultural barn.

No objections if the proposed barn is relocated to the corner of the field and the stables removed in order that the impact of the barn on the landscape will be minimised.





13/00653/LBC & 13/00654/LBC

3, 4 & 5 Birches Farm Mews, Madeley.

Retention of UPVC windows and doors.

The Working Party regrets the introduction of UPVC into the mews development but reluctantly accepts that in this instance the change does not significantly harm the character of the Conservation area, taking into account the new build element of this part of the development and that it is not as visible as other parts of the mews.  It was felt however, that the windows at number 4, given the colour, did stand out and should only be retained if the windows and doors were painted to match the rest of the development.  Given the life cycle of UPVC windows, wood should be re-introduced when the windows are next changed.





Former Burton Menswear. 1-3 Ironmarket, Newcastle.

Caffe Nero.

Externally illuminated lettering to existing fascia and externally illuminated projecting sign.

The Working Party are frustrated that the applicant has not waited for the decision before carrying out the work but has no objections to the signage.



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