Agenda item

The Reporter

To receive a report updating the Committee on developments regarding the council’s newspaper ‘The Reporter’.


The Head of Communications presented a report on the Council’s newspaper The Reporter. He stated that it was one of the key forms of communication to the residents of the Borough and Scrutiny had the opportunity to shape the future direction of the newspaper. 


A Member stated that The Reporter could do more to promote the good work taking place in the Borough including the great variety of organisations such as amateur dramatics, music and dance. Further work on obtaining advertising needed to be completed.  In contrast a Member stated that it was important not to lose sight of the ultimate aims of The Reporter and that it should be about promoting the work of the Council rather than external groups. 


A Member commented that the Secretary of State had revised the Code of Conduct on Local Authority publications. The purpose was to keep residents informed about the Council and their partners. Its aim was not to replicate The Sentinel. The Reporter was a cost effective way of conveying information to residents and its content stood up against local authority neighbours. 


A Member stated that they regretted the Government guidance restricting the amount of issues a Local Authority could issue. It was important to determine how many people actually read The Reporter, which would help determine its effectiveness and whether the money could be better utilised on improving the website. He stated that printing The Reporter in colour added to the cost and questioned whether the front banner could just be in colour.  He asked about the level of potential saving that would be achieved. 


The Head of Communications stated that it was a Member decision as to whether The Reporter should continue.  The website was one ingredient which was already winning awards and the Council was already embracing social media. Not all people wanted to access information online and consequently The Reporter was an important source of information for residents.  Many more people contacted the Council about advertising in The Reporter than they did about the website.  He would undertake to find out the difference in cost between black and white and colour and report back at a future meeting. 


A Member stated that they thought the layout in the 2013 profile of The Reporter had improved.  They believed that a move to black and white would be a mistake.  The paper was continuing to improve and the people of the Borough did enjoy reading the paper. 


A Member commented that there were some people in the Borough not receiving the paper.  The Head of Communications in response stated that if postcodes were provided, he could take the matter up with the contractor.  In response, Members commented that Crewe postcodes seemed to have particular problems and questioned if electronic despatch could be successful. 


The Chair requested the figures for the amount of hits The Reporter received on the Council’s website. 


Members agreed that a questionnaire should be included in The Reporter, asking a number of multiple choice questions relating to its future direction.  The wording could be drawn up by the Head of Communications, with the proposed wording circulated to the Committee by email.




A)   That a questionnaire be included in an issue of The Reporter, asking a number of multiple choice questions relating to its future direction.


B)   That the number of hits The Reporter receives on the website be determined.


C)   That the difference in cost between black and white and colour printing of The Reporter be determined.      

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