Agenda item

Appointments and Nominations to Outside Bodies

Local Authority School Governors


Staffordshire County Council has invited this council to submit nominations in respect of a number of school governorships where a current local authority governor is nearing the end of his/her term of office (and, in one case, where a vacancy exists).  The county council has also invited the relevant county councillors, parish councils, head teachers and chairs of governing bodies to make nominations.  From the nominations received, the governor co-ordinator for the area will make recommendations, and the decision as to the successful nominee will be made by the Cabinet Member for Education, Finance and Transformation.


In each case, the governor currently in post may wish to be reappointed for a further term.  Nominations must be received by the county council by 10 May 2013.


Details of the schools and governors nearing the end of their terms of office are set out below:-





Langdale Primary School

Mr John Heesom


Seabridge Primary School

Mr John Axon


Seabridge Primary School

Mrs Aileen Clark


The Blackfriars and Coppice Federation

Mr Michael Deakin


Oaklands Nursery School

Mrs Paula Pattinson


May Bank Infants School

Councillor Simon Tagg


Maryhill High School – A Media Arts College

Councillor Silvia Burgess


Hempstalls Primary School

Councillor John Williams


Clough Hall Technology School

Cnty Cllr Geoffrey Locke


Churchfields Primary School



Chesterton Community Sports College

Councillor John Cooper



The council is requested to consider whether it wishes to make nominations in respect of any of the above.


West Midland Reserve Forces and Cadets Association


The West Midland Reserve Forces and Cadets Association has approached the council seeking the appointment of a representative.  The council was last represented on the organisation by former Councillor David Clarke, but no representation appears to have been in place in recent years.


In order to assist the council in considering the request, further information has been sought from the organisation and the Chief Executive of the association has provided that set out below.


The West Midland Reserve Forces and Cadets Association has an influential and wide ranging role.  It is a regional civilian body comprising voluntary members and a full-time secretariat.  It has been established by statute to offer advice and support to the Defence Council on behalf of the Reserve Forces and Cadet Movement.  By virtue of our Scheme of Association, endorsed by the Defence Council and enshrined in the Reserve Forces Act of 1996, we are entitled to appoint various Elected Representative Members of Local Government to our Association in order to forge and maintain closer links between the defence and local communities within the counties we represent.


Reservists and Cadets are part of the local community in a way that Regular forces are not. They therefore need the support of an organisation whose people are familiar with and prominent within the community.  Moreover we also help to promote the image of all three services, both regular and reserves, within the community through liaison with local authorities, employers, trade unions and other influential groups and individuals.


Thus our members provide this local Defence footprint throughout the West Midlands.  The duties of our Representative Members are not too onerous.  Apart from the general support implied in the paragraphs above, routinely there are two events each year at which we would expect to see the Council Representative; the Annual General Meeting and the Annual County Briefing.


To conclude, we have enjoyed Representative Membership from Newcastle Borough Council in the past and I would hope that this arrangement will continue.


Accordingly, the council is invited to appoint a representative to the organisation.


Local Authority School Governors


Staffordshire County Council had invited the council to submit nominations in respect of a number of school governorships where a current local authority governor was nearing the end of his/her term of office (and, in one case, where a vacancy existed).  The county council had also invited the relevant county councillors, parish councils, head teachers and chairs of governing bodies to make nominations.  From the nominations received, the governor co-ordinator for the area would make recommendations, and the decision as to the successful nominee would be made by the Cabinet Member for Education, Finance and Transformation.


Nominations were required by 10 May 2013.


Resolved:     That officers be authorised to submit nominations in consultation with the group leaders.


West Midland Reserve Forces and Cadets Association


The council was invited to appoint a representative to the West Midland Reserve Forces and Cadets Association.


Resolved:     That Councillor Mike Stubbs be appointed to the West Midland Reserve Forces and Cadets Association.