Agenda item

Questions to the Mayor, Cabinet Members and Committee Chairs

In accordance with Procedure Rule 11, questions must be submitted at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.  Any questions considered urgent will only be accepted with the agreement of the Mayor prior to the meeting.


The following questions were raised by members and the answers indicated provided in response.


1.         Question to the Leader from Councillor Nigel Jones


What is the current mechanism for providing home security support for vulnerable residents and, in the light of there currently being no take-up of the scheme, can officers investigate improved ways of implementing this scheme such as through the LAPs and report back to the next council meeting?


The Leader referred the question to the relevant portfolio holder.


Response from Councillor Tony Kearon, portfolio holder for Safer Communities


Councillor Kearon indicated that the service had previously been delivered via the Handyperson Scheme with 50% of the cost of materials having been met.  However, since the county council had withdrawn funding for the Handyperson Scheme funds had now been allocated to cover 100% of labour and materials.  Uptake had increased over the last few weeks.  Further efforts would me made to publicise the scheme and he would be happy to discuss it outside the meeting.


Supplementary Question and Response


Councillor Jones asked whether the portfolio holder would agree that the LAPs could play a useful role in the scheme and whether he would consider channelling funds through them in the spirit of true localism?


Councillor Kearon indicated that, because the scheme used the same criteria as Disabled Facilities Grants, additional training and administration costs were avoided by having the applications processed by the same staff who dealt with the Disabled Facilities Grants.  However, he had no objection to LAPs being able to refer residents to the scheme and would encourage their involvement.


2.         Question to the Leader from Councillor Nigel Jones


Is the current administration planning to fund an officer post to assist community and voluntary groups in obtaining finance from external sources and will this be a full-time or part-time appointment?


The Leader referred the question to the relevant portfolio holder.


Response from Councillor Mike Stubbs, portfolio holder for Finance and Budget Management


Councillor Stubbs indicated that there was no such plan, but that a request was pending for an Economic Development post to raise funds for internal use, which would provide advantages to the community.


3.         Question to the Leader from Councillor John Taylor


In light of the recent revelations that the Government has undertaken pre-consultation with Fire Authorities on a proposal to allow Fire and Rescue Services to contract out 'any or all of their functions', can the leader tell the Council what notification, if any, he has received about the plans?


Response from Councillor Gareth Snell, Leader of the Council


The Leader indicated that the first he had known of the proposal had been when Councillor Taylor had brought it to his attention.


Supplementary Question and Response


Councillor Taylor indicated that officials had broken the news to all 46 Fire and Rescue Authorities on 21 November 2012 and had had 22 responses.  He asked whether the Leader knew if Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Authority had responded and whether that authority supported the proposals, and requested that the Leader contact the authority to ascertain the position in the county.


The Leader indicated that he would write to County Councillors Bloomer and Tagg in their capacities as chairman and vice-chairman of the authority.