Agenda item

Asset Management Strategy


(a) That Cabinet approve the Asset Management Strategy 2013-2016.


(b) That Cabinet approve the local planning authority be advised of the Strategy.




A report was submitted seeking Cabinet approval for the Asset Management Strategy 2013-2016. The Strategy was a key document, which along with the Council’s Capital Strategy and Medium Term Financial Strategy, forms the basis of the Council’s use of resources. The Asset Management Strategy seeks to provide a robust and formal approach to the management and use of the Council’s land and property assets. It also summarises the potential ways in which investment can be funded, highlighting the manner in which the Council invests in both its operational and commercial portfolios to meet the Corporate Plan’s objectives.


The strategy refers to the Council’s need to proactively generate its own capital through the identification and disposal of surplus assets. It also indentifies potential (mainly residential) sites that the Council may wish to consider to dispose of, which are contained within the current Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) and sites to be explored in the future that are not currently contained within the SHLAA. It was intended that the planning merits of such sites were reviewed alongside land in other ownership as part of the emergency Site Allocations and Policies Local Plan. Any final decision to dispose of any such sites would be informed by the latter process but also be the subject of site-specific consultation and decision-making arrangements by the Council in its capacity as land owner.


Two land parcels at Bignall End had been removed from the Strategy. These were land at Monument View and land at Gresley Way. A piece of land at Newchapel had also been removed as this was used by local people and contained flood prevention measures for neighbouring properties.


In making any decision the Council would be looking to distinguish its role as land owner aside from its role as Planning Authority. The Town Planning process would be allowed to consider the merits of a site, then as land owner the Council could make a decision about whether to sell or not. This would enable development and help the growth agenda for the Council, who would stand to benefit from capital receipts.


The Leader noted Central Government were promoting the building of new homes, but it was desirable to locally protect that development with local safeguards. The Portfolio Holder for Stronger and Active Neighbourhoods noted that there were benefits to Borough residents from the removal of the pieces of land at Bignall End and Newchapel. The Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, Planning and Town Centres Development advised that the Planning department had been scrupulously fair when they consulted with the public and had included everything and there had been no intention to build on some pieces of land. The Council was acting according to feedback from residents as a land owner, and the Leader considered it important with regard to what that Council was aspiring to be. Meaningful consultation would be done and there would be opportunities for residents and Members to have a direct say. If any resident had concerns they could make their views known.


RESOLVED:                        (a) That Cabinet approve the Asset Management Strategy 2013-2016.


(b) That Cabinet approve the local planning authority be advised of the Strategy.



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