Agenda item

Capital Strategy 2013-2016

To consider the Capital Strategy 2013 to 2016.


A report was submitted to allow the Committee to consider the Capital Strategy for 2031 to 2016.


The purpose of the Capital Strategy was to set out how the Council proposed to deploy its capital resources in order to assist it to achieve its corporate and service objectives.  It took into account other relevant Council strategies, policies and plans and the views of partners and stakeholders with whom the Council was involved.  It also took account of the resources which were likely to be available to the Council to fund capital investment and the effect of that investment on the Council’s revenue budget.  It covered the period 2013 to 2016 and served as a useful point of reference when determining or reviewing the Council’s Capital Programme. Following consideration by Cabinet on 16 January 2013, the Strategy would be submitted to Council on 27 February 2013 for final approval.


Officers stated that the Council was further ahead in the process than had been the case I previous years which would allow Members to comment in more depth on the proposals. The Autumn Statement was still awaited from Central Government and there would be a lot of work required when this was published but at the moment it was thought that there would be no further reductions in the coming year and no more than the already expected 2% the year after.


Members requested additional information with regards to the Revenue Investment Fund. It was stated that options were being investigated regarding invest to save options but nothing had been formalised yet. Ideas had been put forward by Heads of Services to make savings and where possible these savings would start to be made as soon as possible to help bridge the budget gap for the current year.


Clarification was sought regarding the staffing efficiencies referred to in the report. There was an assumption across the public sector that there would be a cap of 1% on pay increased which had been built into the Medium Term Financial Strategy for the next 2 years. The Council would also be proposing to pay the living wage which was also reflected and accounted for in the budget proposals.


Members questioned whether income from advertising was being considered and whether car parking was still being looked into. It was stated that advertising was still an ongoing consideration and that a working group had been set up by the Economic Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee to look at car parking in depth.


A question was raised regarding Community Chest Grants and whether every budget would be cut by 7.1% or if there could be a sliding scale depending upon whether previous grants had been utilised and spent. There was concern about loosing these grants where they were currently being used and needed. Officers agreed that this could be looked into.


The review of terms and conditions referred to at S9 was still in the negotiation stage and regular meetings were being held with Trade Unions and staff. Council Tax reforms would be discussed as a separate item at the Cabinet meeting in January.


Resolved:     That the comments of this Committee be fed back to Cabinet at its meeting on 12th December.

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