Agenda item

Questions From Members

Questions are to be submitted to the Mayor at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. Any questions deemed urgent must be agreed by the Mayor before the meeting.


That written responses would be provided to the following supplementary questions:


Supplementary question from Cllr Mrs Shenton


Cllr Shenton raised a supplementary question regarding the timing of the Council meeting and queried whether in the future it could be moved to a Tuesday or Thursday in the same week.


The Leader stated that a written response would be provided to this question.


Supplementary Question from Cllr Loades


Cllr Loades requested information regarding the appointment of the Town Centre Manager and whether this could still go ahead if the Company had not yet been ratified.


A written response would be provided to this but the answer may also be covered in response to question 5.


Supplementary Question from Cllr Mrs Peers


Cllr Mrs Peers requested details regarding how much money had been contributed from Kidsgrove Town Council and other Parish Councils and whether all Town and Parish Councils had been asked to contribute to the Partnership.


A written answer would be provided.


Supplementary Question from Cllr Miss Mancey


Cllr Miss Mancey asked whether the Portfolio Holder thought the scheme could be viewed as a failure as no resident had yet been helped.


A written response would be provided.




1.         Question from Cllr Colin Eastwood

The Health Scrutiny Committee, along with I’m sure other members, are concerned about the shortage of funding in Social Care which will have a detrimental impact on other vital council services.  Will the Leader support the Local Government Association’s campaign ‘Show Us you Care’ to put pressure on the Coalition Government to provide adequate funding to support adult social care services.

Councillor Colin Eastwood (Wolstanton Ward) and Chair Newcastle Health Scrutiny Committee

I am happy to support the LGA’s campaign to put pressure on the Coalition Government to adequately resource adult social care. Although this is a function which falls squarely within the County Council’s purview, inadequate funding for ASC will have knock on effects to the services which we provide.

It would be helpful to me if the Health Scrutiny Committee could provide guidance on other actions that this council can do to support the work our County Council colleagues do with regards to ASC and correct resourcing.


Cllr Eastwood did not raise a supplementary question but stated that he was glad of the support from the Leader and that he would raise the concerns with the County Council Health Select Committee.


2.       Question from Cllr Mrs Shenton

Can I ask why once again we are holding our Council meeting on the same evening as the switching on of the Christmas Lights in the Town Centre?  Our local traders will be hoping that this year their till bells ring in the anticipation of a bright festive season, set against the current economic gloom.  Do the Mayor and the Leader agree that we as elected members should have been there to show our support, rather than run the risk of being branded as having a 'Bah, Humbug!' attitude to the people and businesses of Newcastle?

Councillor Elizabeth Shenton (Town Ward)


The date chosen for the switch on of the Christmas Lights was done so independently of the Council. As a result of our greater partnership working and through the Town Centre Partnership, it is hoped that greater dialogue with the organisers can prevent such clashes happening in the future.


Supplementary Question:

Cllr Shenton raised a supplementary question regarding the timing of the Council meeting and queried whether in the future it could be moved to a Tuesday or Thursday in the same week.


The Leader stated that a written response would be provided to this question and that any other supplementary would also receive a written response.


The Mayor thanked the Deputy Mayor and Mayoress for attending the switching on of the Christmas lights in his absence.


Question from Cllr Loades

Can the leader inform this Council, if the Community Investment type company for the Newcastle Town Centre is now registered officially with the recognized body and all directors listed and declared?

Councillor David Loades (Loggerheads and Whitmore Ward)

I can confirm that all of the documentation for the registration of the Community Interest Company with Companies house and the CIC Regulator has been completed incorporating all the details of all of the Subscribers to the Company and the first Directors.  Those documents are currently being circulated round the Subscribers and Directors for signature and once signed (anticipated within a few days) the formation of the Company will be complete.


In the meantime decisions can be taken but these will of course be subject to ratification by the Company.


Supplementary Question:


Cllr Loades requested information regarding the appointment of the Town Centre Manager and whether this could still go ahead if the Company had not yet been ratified.


A written response would be provided to this but the answer may also be covered in response to question 5.


3.                              Question from Cllr Sweeney

The current administration pledged to strengthen the council litter picking and enforcement team. Can the portfolio holder explain what action has actually been taken to deliver a better litter picking service?

Councillor Stephen Sweeney (Clayton Ward)

Steetscene are focussing on litter education, especially with schools. The Council is investing in staff training and cleansing vehicles, continuing to prioritise resources where needs are greatest and working very successfully with a growing number of local groups and organisations to improve the environmental quality of the Borough.

This recent survey has highlighted that in respect of detritus, graffiti and fly posting, they are broadly on or exceeding the targets. In respect of litter, this is slightly under target at 88% against the target of 91%. Officers are analysing the detailed results to identify where realignment of resources needs to take place to improve the level of overall cleanliness in these areas.

There was no supplementary question asked.

4.                              Question from Cllr Mrs Peers

Could the portfolio holder tell the Council what progress has been made on the recruitment and implementation of a town centre manager?

Councillor Tracey Peers (Loggerheads and Whitmore Ward)

The Town Centre Partnership has undertaken a recruitment process and at this stage has made an informal offer subject to references. It is anticipated that the Manager will be in post in January.


Supplementary Question:


Cllr Mrs Peers requested details regarding how much money had been contributed from Kidsgrove Town Council and other Parish Councils and whether all Town and Parish Councils had been asked to contribute to the Partnership.


A written answer would be provided.


3.                              Question from Cllr Miss Mancey

Can Cllr Kearon tell the Council how many residents have been assisted by the grant scheme put in place to help vulnerable and older residents with home security?

Councillor Chloe Mancey (Seabridge Ward)

Revival Home Improvement Agency has produced marketing literature, leaflets have been produced, information is available on-line and articles have been produced in the Reporter promoting the scheme. Officers have worked with the Police / Fire / Aspire and Revival in a joint initiative to target vulnerable properties and residents in high crime areas. The partnership has undertaken door knocking in the town ward to provide advice on home security and safety. To date no-one has taken up the offer of installation of home security measures.


However the future of the whole scheme is now under threat as the County Council has indicated that it intends to withdraw its core funding of £25,000 and therefore the additional funding we have already put in place will be needed to ensure the scheme remains affordable. Our officers are investigating a way forward that ensures those in need of support get it.


Supplementary Question:


Cllr Miss Mancey asked whether the Portfolio Holder thought the scheme could be viewed as a failure as no resident had yet been helped.


A written response would be provided.

Question from Cllr Howells

I see from the staff consultation that has just been launched that the council is expecting to save £78,000 from altering the car leasing scheme by 2013/2014. The target is to save £200,000. Is this a disappointing failure to meet the target, or was the original target wildly overambitious?

Councillor Ashley Howells (Loggerheads and Whitmore Ward)

The Car Leasing scheme costs the Council £204,010 per year in subsidy. As part of the on-going negotiations, the Cabinet are seeking to save £78,000 within the 2013/14 budget.


Supplementary Question:


Cllr Howells questioned the accuracy of the 2013/14 budget strategy but the Mayor stated that this was a matter for scrutiny to consider and not for discussion at Full Council