Agenda item

Questions from Members


Cllr Jones had submitted the following question:


Following the previous administration’s plans to improve the public realm for the market and develop the old Sainsbury’s site, and given the recent increase in the number of empty units in the Town Centre, what is this present administration planning to do to make use of channels such as the Reporter and the website to promote our Town Centre?’


It was confirmed that a new Town Centre Partnership website would be set up and run by the Partnership.


Cllr Jones raised a supplementary question in relation to other channels of communication that were available such as the Reporter newspaper and questions whether members were aware of these channels.


It was confirmed that the Council was aware of theses channels and they would be used where and when appropriate.


Cllr John Taylor submitted a question requesting confirmation from the Portfolio Holder regarding the balance on the usable capital reserve account. The Portfolio Holder for Finance and Budget Management stated that the usable Capital reserve account was £773k and the forecast at year end was 1million.


Cllr Taylor raised a supplementary question and queried whether this was sufficient to meet the Councils needs and questions the current position with the Icelandic Bank. The Portfolio Holder stated that he wouldprovide a full written response regarding this.


Cllr M Olszewski had submitted a question for the Portfolio Holder for Safer Communities requesting confirmation of the current level of spending allocated for Disabled Grant Facilities and what changes in funding had taken place over the last three years. Cllr Olszewski also asked a supplementary question in relation to the impact that this could have on the Council’s statutory requirements.


The Portfolio Holder stated that the level of spending in the previous year had been 750k and this had not been sufficient. Therefore the £83,000allocated for this year would also not be enough. The Council had a moral and legal responsibility regarding these grants and it was confirmed that applicants could take action against the Council through the ombudsman.


Grants were available up to £30,000 and were aimed at allowing disabled residents to live in their own houses, the Portfolio Holder for Safer Communities stated that this was very important, the Government was in support of the scheme and had not cut it in order to help keep people out of hospital. 


The Portfolio Holder stated that the Council faced significant challenges with the ageing population, poor health, increase in disabled residents and increase in grants. The spend for 2010/11 had been £850,000 and it had been thought that £760,000 was insufficient at the time it was set. All applicants this year were on a waiting list. The Government had given Newcastle an additional £67,000 at the start of the year but the previous administration had removed £67,000 from the budget at the last Annual Council. The commitment from the previous year was £677,000.


Cllr Clarke submitted a question requesting clarification as to the budget deficit for the 2011/12 financial year and details as to what had caused this shortfall.


The Portfolio for Finance and Budget Management stated that there was a shortfall of £163,000 which was mainly due to areas such as Income generation, car parking fees and planning applications.


Cllr Clarke asked a further question regarding what provision was in place to make this sustainable. The Portfolio Holder stated that a full breakdown would be provided in writing.


Cllr Johnson had submitted a question to ask what provisions had been made to ensure the Council was a listening Council, taking on board the concerns of local people. The Leader stated that the Council was committed to public events throughout the Borough. Cabinet Panels would be established to provide a robust codified consultation process, protocols were being set up and discussions would be held.