Agenda item

Financial and Performance Management Report to End of Quarter Two (September) 2012

To consider the Financial and Performance Review for the 2012/13 second quarter (July-September).


The Committee received the Financial and Performance Management Report to the end of Quarter Two (September) 2012.


The revenue budget showed a favourable variance of £15,000. Members noted there was a significant shortfall in parking income and Officers advised that areas where this was occurring were being looked at as part of the scale of fees and charges review. Members questioned whether the figures for Jubilee 2 were still in deficit. It was expected that Jubilee 2 would be slightly in surplus, with some additional expenditure due to the facility being used more.


The quarterly performance report was in the process of changing to a new style of measuring and reporting performance, and was now split into the four corporate priorities. There would be a more detailed approach in the next financial year. 75% of indicators were on target with the direction of travel positive overall.


The Leader advised the report was being received by scrutiny prior to Cabinet, and the Committee’s contribution would be valued. There were three issues on the report relating to crime where figures had not been provided by partners, and were therefore showing as not applicable. With regard to anti-social behaviour, 70% of cases were being dealt with satisfactorily. Closure interviews were being conducted, and all of the 70% mentioned were satisfied with the conclusion. The Leader considered that the community safety team were doing a good job and that this should be highlighted.


With regard to cleanliness, the Leader stated that the figures were not satisfactory and the relevant Portfolio Holder had been asked to meet with the Head of Service to establish what had caused the problems. Members considered that there had been a significant percentage increase in littering offences and questioned how the statistics were obtained. It was acknowledged that more clarification regarding the reason for the increase was required. Members questioned whether the figures were due to an increase in littering activity or the same amount of littering activity that was not being dealt with. This would be clarified further for the January meeting of the Committee. Overall, if there were any issues that were not shown positively on the report then these would be reported back to the Committee with a summary of what had been done to address the problems. Further information was not available at the meeting, but the Portfolio Holder had been asked to establish the reason and come back with a plan to tackle the problem.  When the report was received in January 2013, the Leader would provide an update regarding the issue, with an explanation of the reasons for the increase in the figures and the result of meetings between the Portfolio Holder and the Head of Service on this subject.


The percentage of major planning applications determined within time had not met its target in quarter two, but was on target for the current quarter. The number of people accessing leisure and recreational facilities had not met its target and this was attributed to Kidsgrove Sports Centre being closed. The sports centre had reopened and it was hoped that a marked improvement and an increase in the number of people using facilities would be seen. The average number of days lost due to staff sickness was over target due to a small number of staff being off with long term illness. This was being managed in the appropriate way and was not a problem throughout the Council.    


Members were of the opinion that the figures in the report did not mean very much and questioned when the new format report would be received. The report would be developed further in quarters three and four, with the report completely in the new format in the new financial year.


Members noted the positive performance figures for the number of cases where positive action was successful in preventing homelessness, and considered that the Council were really helping people in the cold weather during the lead up to Christmas. Homelessness was an issue the Leader was acutely aware of due to welfare reform, and it would be necessary to protect what the Council was doing in order to try and avoid a spike in the statistic.


It was also noted by Members that the figures for the number of invoices paid on time were up, which they considered welcome news for small businesses. This issue had been questioned previously by the Committee. Officers advised that there was also a local indicator for invoices being paid within ten days to local businesses, and 60-65% of these invoices were being paid within ten days.



RESOLVED:                        (a) That the information be received.


(b) That an update be provided at the 24 January 2013 meeting regarding improvement in street and environment cleanliness, with an explanation of the reasons for the increase in the figures and the result of meetings between the Portfolio Holder and the Head of Service.

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