Agenda item



The Deputy Leader / Portfolio Holder for Finance, Town Centres and Growth introduced the report on the projects funded by the Town Deal and Future High Sreet Fund which money had almost all be spent.


Cllr Stubbs referred to the wordcount for the Kidsgrove section equating to 8% of the total of the report of roughly 2,000 words and enquired about tangible economic benefits in relation to the funds. He asked why the budget for the train station did not take into account the coal and shafts found under the area.


The Deputy Leader responded that the money was used for the road infrastructure and that the circa 1700 jobs that would be created would be open to Kidsgrove residents.


The Regeneration Manager advised that a remediation proposal called a geogrid was initially thought to be suitable with a car park in addition upgrading the station being originally planned. A review by the network rail mining specialist leaded to the decision of a more extensive intervention including investigation works. Changes in the Coal Authority Permit also included a longer process.


Cllr Stubbs asked about HS2 fundings and if the Government paper relating to it could be made available as requested by one of the local MPs.


The Regeneration Manager responded that the initial reference document for the promise of additional funding from the cancellation of HS2 was called the Network North document and was publicly available and featured Kidsgrove train station although there was no mention of figures.


The Chair read paragraph 62 of the Network North document stating that an unprecedented uplift in funding would be provided for 13 local authorities in the Midlands. The total investment would be of £2.2 billion and would be funding schemes such as refurbishment of stations in Longport and Kidsgrove. While it was frustrating that things were not moving faster this was down to national bodies like the UK Coal Authority and Network Rail which were not accountable to the Council.


Cllr Stubbs asked why the Canal project which started 18 months ago had not been signed off and allowed to move forward as well as why, on a separate note, had members not been made aware of the changes to the Shared Service Hub.


The Regeneration Manager said there had been a change in personnel in the Canal and River Trust which were responsible for the delivery on the Canal footpaths and that works were now scheduled to start in January. On the funding issue a performance return was to be sent to the government. The Council had indicated that they wish to take the option of fundings to be renewed for Newcastle and Kidsgrove from March 2025 onwards to ensure sufficient well-planned consideration for those projects.


Cllr Stubbs wondered if there was any plan B in the event of the HS2 funding failing to materialize.


The Regeneration Manager responded that contingency plans were in process with lobbying of the local MP and the County Council to benefit from the Local Transport Funding scheme, Kidsgrove being a top priority.


The Chair recommended liaising with the local MP and quoting paragraph 62 and 63 of the Network North document.


Cllr Waring commented that ideally the funding required would come from the government but once the ground investigation works would be done it would be possible to see where the costs should be allocated. In relation to the Canal and River Trust this was a relatively short programme which would impact on the March 26th deadline. The Shared Service Hub’s works could be done by then and therefore any notifications to the government would be a safety precaution however the best way to spend the money for residents was constantly being monitored and the projects other than the Railway should be completed within the timescale.


Cllr Stubbs wished to hear from officers about the Shared Service Hub.


The Regeneration Manager said this was currently being reviewed by a subgroup of the Town Deal board which would be meeting in January for which the proposals would need to be consistent with the Town Investment Perspective and meet government requirements.


Cllr Grocott asked the whole town development and if any expressions of interest had been received regarding the hotel as well as if money had been secured for the Chesterton projects in terms of section 106.


The Deputy Leader responded that it was likely there would be money coming from section 106 to be spent on the local area and exact amounts would need to be checked out against previous planning papers.


The Chair concluded on Cllr Stubbs initial comment by saying that Kidsgrove was mentioned seven times in the report compared to Newcastle which only appeared six times when taking of the heading and Knutton four times.


Resolved:    That the report on the delivery of the Town Deal and Future High Street Funds projects be noted.


Watch the debate here

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