The Service Director for Regulatory Services presented an update on Walleys Quarry Odours as reported to Cabinet on 10th September.
Members submitted questions and responses were provided by the officer.
Cllr Brown enquired about the 28th of August virtual public meeting organised by the Environment Agency and the UK-HSA risk assessment mentioned then. She also wished to know if there were any update on legal action now that permission had been received from the Secretary of State.
– More information and questions arising from the event about the HSA risk assessment and the Environment Agency were to be published on the EA Engage website. The legal action process was continuing as last reported to Cabinet and Council.
Cllr Brown asked if any kind of correlation had been made for days when the levels were steady and no complaints were received.
– Data was collected to try and explain the rise and falls in levels and complaints so that risks can be identified and mitigated going forward.
Cllr Whieldon suggested that the dates where reductions had been noticed seemed to correspond to dates of public enquiry. She also referred to monitoring done by local protest groups and lorries without registration plates coming to the site and leaving without doing a wheel wash meaning the dirt would then be carried onto the roads on long distances.
– Air quality data appears to be consistent with the number of complaints received, i.e. good air quality usually correlated with a low level of complaints. In terms of vehicles going in and out a regulatory regime was indeed in place and the Environment Agency had done some spot checks. Details about specific vehicles could be sent to the officer so that these could be passed on to the relevant enforcing authority.
Cllr Whieldon enquired about the fire incident and expressed concerns about the exercise of freedom of information in relation to the report received.
– There was currently no additional information circulating about the fire. In relation to redactions to Freedom of Information Request, the organisation could restrict information such as relating to individuals which fell under data protection, or some of the legal exemptions for which confidentiality was required.
The Chair asked about the Mobile Monitoring Facilities (MMFs) changes of names and relocations.
– The facilities were now named according to their location and some of them were being transferred. The Silverdale one was supposed to be moved due to construction works being scheduled but these having been delayed the station was now to stay in its current location until a suitable site was found.
Cllr Whieldon wished for assurance that the equipment to measure the emissions were regularly tested.
– The MMFs were operated by the Environment Agency and a process was in place for the calibration of the H2S sensors along with systems and checks to ensure the results were reliable.
Resolved: That the contents of the update report be noted.
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