Agenda item

Procurement of the Reporter

To receive a copy of the report being considered by Cabinet on 19 September 2012 regarding the outcome of a procurement process for the distribution and printing of the Council’s newspaper, the Reporter.


The Committee received a report regarding the outcome of a procurement process for the distribution and printing of the Council’s newspaper the Reporter. The report was due to be considered by Cabinet on 19September 2012.


In May 2009, Cabinet received a report which outlined the results of the procurement process for the print and distribution of the Reporter. Contracts were awarded to two separate companies, one to provide print services and the other to provide distribution services. These contracts were for an initial two-year period with the option for negotiations with the contract providers for two separate 12-month extensions. These options were exercised with both providers. Therefore, the same print and distribution companies had been involved with the Council for the last four years. With distribution providers in particular, bookings needed to be secured significantly in advance of the dates required. To ensure that the Council could secure appropriate bookings both for 2013/14 and also for the following financial year, it was considered appropriate to carry out the procurement process twelve months in advance.


Some elements of the procurement process had been less than satisfactory, particularly with the print side where there had only been one respondee. The decision had been made to press ahead with the distribution element of the procurement, with a separate process for the print procurement.


Members questioned if there would be an impact on staff at the present time. It was confirmed that only four issues of the Reporter a year had been produced for the last two years and there would be no impact on staff. Members also questioned why there was an edition of the Reporter in May and another in July. This was to cover the elections in May and to avoid the August holidays and promote the leisure activities available during the summer holidays.


A number of options to widen the tender for print were being considered. It was questioned how a tender was written. Quotes would be asked for different numbers of pages and then it would be determined what could be afforded from the available budget. Members questioned whether a smaller paper, rather than a broadsheet, would help to reduce costs. Several factors could affect cost and a smaller paper may not necessarily be cheaper.


Members questioned whether the number of advertisements had increased or decreased. Last year had been quite successful in terms of advertisements from partners and advertisers. However, it was noted that there was no longer advertising expertise in the Communications department, and as time went on this might have an effect. The economic climate should also be considered. It was noted that four publications a year adhered to the Recommended Code of Practice on Local Authority Publicity that was revised by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government in 2011.


It was questioned by Members whether the Council might consider online delivery of the Reporter and reduce copies in the process, although it was not suggested to move away from the current format completely. There was a suggestion that they could be printed and left in one stop shops or doctor’s surgeries. Newspapers in general were selling less copies and online delivery was something that could be looked at in the future. The Council was being followed on Twitter and it was necessary to explore different methods of communicating information.


Members noted that when the Reporter was first introduced it did win awards. However, the Reporter was still in the same format it was in when it was first produced and it was questioned whether it could be revamped.



RESOLVED:               (a) That the information be received.


(b) That Cabinet and Officers be informed of the Committee recommendations regarding updating the format/design of The Reporter and to make The Reporter available in other media forms.

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