Agenda item



Consideration was given to a report seeking whether an updated Cumulative Impact Statement should be published and if so, to determine its scope.


The Current Cumulative Impact Assessment came into force in July, 2021 and the Council was duty bound to review it every three years.


The Council’s Licensing Administration Team Leader, Matthew Burton advised that the previously agreed consultation had received responses from three bodies: Staffordshire Police Licensing; Neighbourhood Policing and the Council’s Environmental Protection Team.  Their responses were outlined at paragraph 2 (c), (d) and (e) with full responses attached to the report at appendices C, G and H.


Councillor Brown asked if this was mandatory for all local authorities or was it something that Newcastle did as good/best practice.


Mr Burton advised that it was not mandatory to do it but of an authority undertook it there was certain criteria to complete including reviewing it every three years.


Councillor John Williams asked when the start date for the Cumulative Impact Statement would be.


Mr Burton advised that the current one would expire on 13 July, 2024.  If the decision made at this meeting was to replace it, it would either on 14 July unless this Committee decided to start it sooner.


Councillor John Williams asked if the Council had enough staff to carry out this work.


Mr Burton advised that the Cumulative Impact Assessment was only brought into force when an application was received by the Council.  The extra burden would be on the person submitting the application and not the Council’s officers.


The Chair stated that for every premises selling alcohol, that transferred to food outlets when people became hungry.  In addition, looking at the map extending the area, premises would change over the years so a three year review was excellent.   


Resolved:    (i)       That the information provided by Staffordshire Police in

support of retaining and amending the existing Cumulative Impact Assessment, be noted;

(ii)      That the information provided by Environmental Health in

support of retaining and amending the existing Cumulative Impact Assessment, be noted;

(iii)      That the information received as part of the recent

consultation, be noted.

(iv)     That a Cumulative Impact Assessment be published to

‘replace’ the current one, and that the following be included:

(a)            Expand the current area to include all additional

areas requested by Environmental Protection (Appendix D);

(b)      Include all licensable activities under the Licensing Act 2003; and

(c)      No business or premises types should be excluded from the scope.


Watch the debate here

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