Agenda item



The Deputy Leader introduced the report on the delivery of the Town Deal and Future High Street Funds projects.


Cllr Lewis asked about the new stalls in relation to market improvements, paragraph 2.1.1, and if these could potentially be replaced again in a near future as they were already showing signs of wear. – Indeed this would be looked into.


Cllr Lewis also wondered if the nipper parking would be monitored to ensure people do not park longer than 20 minutes. – Indeed it would.


About paragraph 2.1.2 York Place, Cllr Lewis asked if there was any measure in place to address rough sleeping at the properties / retail units. – The team would have a chat with the individuals to see if how they could support them.


Cllr Lewis wished to know if the regeneration plans would be presented to this committee once available. – Indeed it would as a standing item and then go through the Planning Committee.


The Chair asked what sort of information members would like to hear about. – Cllr Lewis was interested in milestones and where the money would be allocated within the project.


Cllr Brockie said that things did not always go according to plans and this project in particular felt not entirely predictable. Additional costs were likely to come up which the Council should keep an eye on. – The Deputy leader shared his enthusiasm and confidence about the project.


The Deputy Chief Executive added that Capital and Centric had now been officially appointed and were carrying out feasibility studies towards coming forward with a plan. The costs would be covered by them when they buy the building and it was in their interest to keep them as low as possible for they would be owning and operating the building. Would the costs rise those would therefore not be bared by the Council but by the developers.


Cllr Parker commented that similar projects had been successfully carried out in the past in the borough. Cllr Stubbs recalled times where contracts were broken in the past. – There were indeed always risks.


Cllr Allport asked about the Kidsgrove train station works and shared service hub referred to in paragraph 2.4.2 and 2.4.4 and whether the Council was aware of the difficulty related to the bridge when these were undertaken. – Indeed officers were aware although told back then that this would be dealt with and not interfere with the projects.


Cllr Grocott enquired about Knutton village hall. – The design hadn’t been started yet, the focus being currently on finding who would run it. The allocation from the Town Deal would be a capital one and there would need to be a discussion about whether or not the group would have some support going in.


Cllr Grocott also asked about the new hotel. – The feasibility works had been started and would go on until September / October in readiness for the planning application. Capital and Centric would be operating the hotel.


Cllr Stubbs wondered if the bridge situation had been resolved. – Officers would check out the details and get back to members. Post minute note: the bridge repairs have been completed.


Resolved:     That the report on the delivery of the Town Deal and Future High Street Funds projects be noted.


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