Agenda item



The Service Director for Legal and Governance – Monitoring Officer presented the Corporate Risk Management report.


Members asked questions and responses were provided as follows:


-       Cllr Reece asked if the lack of capacity referred to in paragraph 2.2.1 was related to staff sickness. – The Monitoring Officer would liaise with the author of the report and get back to members.


-       Cllr Stubbs asked what steps were being taken to mitigate the risk referred to in paragraph 2.2.2 – The author of the report would be consulted and the Monitoring Officer would get back to members. Cllr Holland commented that the Council had participated in a joint air quality group with the City Council and was doing what they could to mitigate the risk. It was to be noted that the issues mentioned in the report were complex, some of them involving international legal actions long with liaising with other authorities. The portfolio holder for Finance, Town Centres and Growth confirmed that the meetings were still taking place.


-       Cllr Stubbs asked about 2.4.3 and how come that a civil servant had made the decision that the Council would be liable for something that they don’t own. – The Chair commented that the Coal Authority needed remedial works to be carried out in March 2023 for the previous mining works to be dealt with under the railway station car parking around the station building. Funding were secured and the question of who would be liable amidst the various partners involved came as the answer wasn’t obvious. The DFT was to find a solution and progress had been made over the Christmas season.


An update on the legal position of the Council would be provided to members by the Monitoring Officer outside of the public forum and upon request. Negotiations were ongoing and legal coverage was investigated in the event the Council would indeed be liable.


-       Cllr Stubbs asked if a representative of the Council would be attending a scheduled meeting between partners. – Officers taking part in the project management had been involved in all meetings.


-       Cllr Stubbs asked why Kidsgrove Town Council would be underwriting the Shared Service Hub. – It had been agreed that the Town Council would bear the responsibility of running the Shared Service Hub, which was separate from that of its construction.


-       Cllr Stubbs asked if the report on the Coal Mining Risks due on 29th December 2023 had been received. – This was about drilling to assess whether there was anything that needed remediated before any construction took place. The Chair would investigate.


Resolved:     1. That there are currently no risks that are more than 6 months overdue for a review up to end of Q3 2023/24, be noted.


2. That there have been 2 risk level increases, be noted.


3. That there are no changes to the Corporate Risk Register, be noted.


4. That the Kidsgrove Town Deal Risk Register and current position be noted.


5. That officers be advised of any individual risk profiles that the Committee would like to scrutinise in more details at its next meeting.


6. That whilst the likelihood of a risk materialising may be mitigated, the likely impacts may not change, be noted.


Watch the debate here

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