Agenda item



(i)                           That the contents of the update report be noted.

(ii)                          That Cabinet support the Leader writing to the Prime Minister regarding the issues of Walleys Quarry (copying in the relevant people) about the EA’s performance and failures and calling for the public inquiry.

(iii)                         That the Chief Executive explore the holding of a political SCG meeting early in the new year.


The Leader, Councillor Simon Tagg introduced a report on Walleys Quarry odour issues.  This was the monthly report giving an update on issues at Walley’s Quarry.


The Chief Executive presented the report stating that there had been an increase in the number of complaints received in November, double the level seen in October.


The Monitoring station data had shown that the percentage of time that the Hydrogen Sulphide had been above the World Health Organisation’s Annoyance Threshold was just over 14% at MMF9 between 20 and 26 November.  This was most likely due to the cold weather conditions.


In response, the Council increased the deployment of officers out into the community to try and witness the odours in order to take action.  In addition the complaint data was being shared with Walleys Quarry and a meeting was scheduled for Friday 8 December where previous spikes and the data from November would be discussed.


The Environment Agency (EA) had advised that they had also increased the level of odour assessment tours.


The Chief Executive made reference to the ongoing work by the EA in terms of their regulation of the site   and publication of some Compliance Assessment Report (CAR) forms which detailed works which they were requiring Walleys Quarry to do.  There were two areas in particular; the clay capping of the flanks, to be completed by 12 December and a request for Walleys’ to update their Odour Management Plan to reflect the development at the site since the production of the Plan.


The Leader stated that it was good that increased monitoring was taking place by the Council as a result of the rise in complaints.   It was key to keep a very close watch on the situation in order to do the Council’s part and also to hold the EA to account.


The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Town Centres and Growth, Councillor Sweeney made reference to paragraph 3.8 of the report, stating that it was scandalous that the EA did not attend the meeting held at Castle House on 20 November.


The Portfolio Holder for Strategic Planning, Councillor Fear stated that the figures were disappointing.  Referring to the table at paragraph 3.4, MMF9, Councillor Fear stated that, for one minute in every seven the Hydrogen Sulphide level had been in excess. 


The Leader stated that the Council’s role through the Abatement Notice was to meet and discuss the issues with the operator and was pleased that officers would be doing that.  At Full Council in October, Members had asked the Leader to write to the new Secretary of State regarding issues with the EA.  The Leader stated that, in addition, he would also write to the Prime Minister about the failings of the EA and ask again for a public inquiry.


The Leader asked the Chief Executive about the SCG to see if the Group could be ramped up again.  The Leader stated that the EA would be coming to speak with Councillors in the new year regarding the calibration issues.


The Chief Executive confirmed that the SCG did continue to meet on a monthly cycle with himself and the Council’s Service Director for Regulatory Services in attendance.  The Group were continuing to apply pressure to agencies.  There were also sub-groups in existence.   


The Leader proposed two additional recommendations; asking Cabinet to support the Leader writing to the Prime Minister regarding the issues at Walleys Quarry and the EA’s performance and failures and calling for a public inquiry and; asking the Chief Executive to explore holding a political SCG in the new year.


Resolved:     (i)         That the contents of the update report be noted.

(ii)          That Cabinet support the Leader writing to the Prime

Minister regarding the issues of Walleys Quarry (copying in the relevant people) about the EA’s performance and failures and calling for the public inquiry.

(iii)         That the Chief Executive explore the holding of a political

SCG meeting early in the new year.


Watch the debate here

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