Agenda item


To receive a statement by the Leader of the Council on the activities and decisions of Cabinet and items included on the Forward Plan.


The Leader presented the statement that had been circulated and provided an update on the activities and decisions made by himself and the Cabinet to allow questions and comments.


The Leader gave a couple of updates on the published report.  In respect of Paragraph 2, a comprehensive Peer Review was completed last week and the feedback had been very positive and a report would be brought to Full Council later in the year.


The Heroes Awards were held at the Mayor’s Charity Ball at Keele last Friday.  The Leader congratulated the winners of the three awards: Community Champion – Briony Bowler; Young Hero – Hannah Wollas and Lifetime Achievement – Jim Worgan.


Questions were raised by members as follows.


On paragraph 2 – One Council update


Councillor Parker asked the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Town Centres and Growth for an update on the programme of events for the ‘award winning’ markets for the rest of this year.


Councillor Sweeney advised that the events included Artisan Markets; Vegan Festival, Record Fair; Greyhound Gap; King’s Coronation Market; Young Traders Market, mini markets and antiques markets.  Other events included a ten metre inflated bubble of C02 which was touring the County, Armed Forces Day celebrations and working with the BID for the Lymelight Festival.  These events would be added to as they came along.


On paragraph 3 – the Coronation and 850 celebrations:


Councillor Gorton asked for the actual number of nominations received for the recent Heroes Awards, broken down into categories.


The Leader stated that he could not break them down into categories but there were 24 nominations overall.  


On paragraph 4 – Housing Assistance Policy 2023:


Councillor John Williams referred to a recent Sentinel report stating that a resident who had been accepted for a grant and the work had not been carried out satisfactorily.  A point had been made by this Council that the work would be brought ‘in-house’ and managed by the Council.  Councillor Williams asked for clarification.


The Portfolio Holder for Community Safety and Wellbeing advised that it used to be a commissioned service in partnership with Staffordshire County Council.  From 1 April, 2023 it was brought ‘in-house’ whereby the Council would work with the team.  People had been taken on to do the casework and deal with contractors.


On paragraph 5 – Support with the cost of living and high energy prices:


Councillor Crisp asked the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Town Centres and Growth to advise what additional financial support was being given to residents in respect of rising bills and how much, in total, had the Government given to help residents across the Borough.


Councillor Sweeney advised that there were currently three schemes operating:  Council Tax support which was £25 per household; Energy Bills Support Scheme Alternative Funding, £400 per household; Alternative Fuel Payment Alternative Fund, £200 per household.  These funds had to be applied for from the Government who then process them and send the details to this Council for payment.   At present, £48,400 had been given out for the Energy Bills support.


Since Covid, through Government funding, the Council had given out £51 million, £8 million of that being cost of living support.


On paragraph 6 – Procurement of new street sweepers:


Councillor Fox-Hewitt asked the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Recycling if the efficiency of the new machines would enable the restoration of street cleansing routes that had been cut in the last two years.


The Leader advised that there had been no cuts to routes but the service had been changed to respond to hot spots.  There had been an increase in litter since Covid and there was a need to educate   in schools, through litter picking for example.


Councillor Hutchison asked if there was any further information on the new road sweepers.


Councillor Johnson advised that Cabinet had approved five replacement street sweepers to be acquired by summer, 2023.  Fourteen replacement refuse collection vehicles had also been approved.


On paragraph 7 – Financial and Performance Review Report – Third Quarter 2022-23:


Councillor Brockie asked, in respect of sickness absences, would staff affected by the changes through One Council have their contracts protected, employment rights upheld and a suitable level of risk assessment put in place to protect them and the public they serve.


The Leader stated that there were measures in place.  The One Council programme was working with staff.  The Administration was working with the HR team and the Unions.


Councillor John Williams asked what value had been achieved for the Ryecroft site and what internal and external audits had taken place on the value for money exercises on the value of the land.


The Leader stated that there would be a report to Cabinet when Aspire took on a large part of the site.  Discussions were still ongoing with the County Council regarding the former Sainsburys site.  Everything was in place to ensure that the Council got value for money.


Councillor Holland encouraged Members to look at the new format for reporting matters such as sickness absence which was reported at the last meeting of the Finance, Assets and Performance Scrutiny Committee.  Members were further encouraged to suggest alternative priorities/key indicators to the Scrutiny Committee or to the Administration.



There were no comments or questions on paragraph 8 – the Forward Plan.


Resolved:     That the statement of the Leader of the Council be received and noted.


Watch the debate here


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