Agenda item



The Policy & Strategy Business Manager introduced the new style Performance Reports. Members expressed their satisfaction over the format and presentation of the data.


Questions were asked and responses were provided as follows:


-       Cllr Bettley-Smith: how were the targets derived and how did we make sure that the staff stayed motivated when continuous improvement was expected? – The target setting process was done with the heads of services as part of the Priority Delivery Plans set over three years. The question of how to keep staff motivated would be answered later during the meeting.


-       Cllr Lawley: when would the document be available on the internet and would it be possible to click and access the data itself? – The data would be available online imminently.


The Leader presented the financial position and performance report’s figures for the third quarter of the financial year. While the sickness absence trend was still higher than previous years, work was being done on wellbeing initiatives and long term absences were minimized. It was noted that the Council achieved the Thrive Foundation accreditation which recognises the quality of processes in terms of health including mental health.


Further questions were asked and responses were provided as follows:


-       Cllr Waring on page 29 of the pack: on the one hand, the Council was consistently exceeding the speed of major development applications target, which may therefore not be challenging enough and could be raised accordingly; on the other hand just below, the Council was consistently way below target for quality of major development applications which seemed unrealistic. Could we see the national average perhaps so that these targets make sense? On a separate note, how was the Council’s performance measured with regard to litter? – The targets represented national performance standards and the Council didn’t have any say in them. Resources may be moved from one area to another when exceeding those targets. About the litter figures, a sample of locations was used and compared to national standards.


-       Cllr Bettley-Smith: once again, how did we keep the staff motivated when already exceeding targets? – Continuous improvement was sought with staff and heads of service working closely to review targets as required to ensure that the staff stay both motivated and empowered to make suggestions.


-       Cllr Brockie: a great deal of resources seemed to be put in gathering figures about whether or not the targets were met as well as trying to meet those targets; this raised the issue of how much money was actually saved and also the impact on staff’s mental health; was there not an easier way to proceed? – The set of indicators and information collected was needed to measure progress on plans and know where to take action and what to do to make improvements. Automated systems were being put in place to simplify data collection and steps were taken to make sure workers were comfortable with the process.


Resolved:     That members note


1.    the contents of the report and appendices A and B and continue to monitor and challenge the Council’s performance alongside its financial performance for the same period;


2.    the new style reporting framework.


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